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Xylophone is a nonliving thing. It begins with the letter x.

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Jacob Dang

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Adolfo Bartoletti

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3y ago
this is right
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Freddy Wunsch

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3y ago
good answer, thx!

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Q: Non living thing starting with x?
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What is a word starting with x for children's Ed?

There is no such thing!!!!!

Is sunlight a nonliving thing?

Yes, sunlight is considered a nonliving thing because it does not possess characteristics typically associated with living organisms, such as growth, reproduction, or metabolism. Sunlight is a form of radiant energy emitted by the sun.

What government words start with the letter x?

As you may know there are barely any non - governmentwords that start with 'x' - but you could do 'x' as in when you write an x to show a vote for someone in an election. Other than that there are NO MORE (That I've heard of) government terms starting with 'x' As you may know there are barely any non - government words that start with 'x' - but you could do 'x' as in when you write an x to show a vote for someone in an election. Other than that there are NO MORE (That I've heard of) government terms starting with 'x'

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A bacterium is a living thing that is so small it can only be seen with a microscope. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that are found everywhere in the environment.

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There is no such thing as an x-ray mutagen. X-rays aremutagens. Mutagens cause changes to the genetic material in living cells, thus sometimes producing changes in the offspring of those sells.

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Xibelani, a traditional Shangaan from South Africa.

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Is there a capital city starting with x?

there is no capital or country starting with x although there are some cities. There

What living thing starts with an x?

· Xerus (a species of squirrel found only in Africa)

What are non examples of x-rays?

This is a weird question ... ANYTHING that is not an X-ray is a NON-example. So ... a mud puddle is a non-example.