

Best Answer

Money & More Money & Help (submitted by jacobdeleon3000)

If you re bored of jobs then press [ctrl]+[shift]+c and a bar will show up type in kaching and you will get some cash. Type in motherlode (not motherload) and you will get even more money. If you typein help it should show you more cheats for The Sims 3! :note:if kaching does not work or motherlode (they work on the sims 2) then type help and you will see more cheats than just 2! :hint: help is used most often.

You Can Heal Sim, You Can Decide Career, Many More (submitted by mads1153)

With it code: testingcheatsenabled Turns on Testing Cheats, with shift click on sim, objects.

$50,000 Per Entry (submitted by karebear 531)

Hold down the shift, ctrl and c keys at the same time. This will bring up the bar at the top of the screen where cheats are entered. In the Sims 3 it is a blue color. Click your curser in this area and then type in the word motherlode and hit enter. You just gave your sim $50, 000. Repeat this process to make your sim as wealthy as you want. When your cash gets low, add some more by following the steps again.

Enter Cheat Mode (submitted by karebear 531)

Hold down the shift, ctrl and c keys at the same time. This will bring up the bar at the top of the screen where cheats are entered. For windows Vista, you may have to hold shift, ctrl, windows, and press the c key to get the cheat bar/console.

List Of Cheats (submitted by karebear 531)

To get a list of most cheats enter: help

2,500 Lifetime Happiness Points (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: shazaam

Ignore Cost When Buying Lots (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: freerealestate

Modify Traits (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: modify traits

Add Sim To Household (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code "add to household" to add the active sim to the current household.

Change Age (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: set age {number}

Go To Create-a-sim (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: edit in cas

Change Careers (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: set career {career/level}

Force Career Opportunity (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: force opportunity

Force A Career Event (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: force event

Force All Career Events (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: force all events

Make Service Sim Appear (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: force service sim {name}

New Friends (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: make friends for me

Neighborly Visit (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: force visit

Super Popular Sim (submitted by karebear 531)

To get them to know everyone, enter the code: make me know everyone

View Outfits And Uniforms (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code unlockOutfits {on|off}

You should do this before going into the create-a-sim mode.

Set Motives (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: make motives {static|dynamic}

Set Moods/moodlets To Perfect (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: make happy

Unlimited Object Moving/placing (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: moveObjects {on|off}

Send Sim Home (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: resetSim [firstname] [lastname]

Force Terrain (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: constrainFloorElevation {true|false}

No Object Snapping (positioning) (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt {on|off}

Fade Objects Near Camera (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: fadeObjects {on|off}

Change Angle For Snap By 45 Degrees (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: snapObjectsToAngle {true|false}

Snap Objects To Grid (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: snapObjectsToGrid {true|false}

Show Talk Balloons (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: hideHeadlineEffect {on|off}

Random Jokes! (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: jokePlease

Llamas Enabled Message (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: enablellamas {on|off}

Speed Of Visuals (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: slowMotionViz {0-8}

0 is normal speed and 8 is the slowest speed.

Tester Cheats (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: testingCheatsenabled {true|false}

This lets you move the sim's stats/attribute bars using your mouse.

Show Framerate (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: fps {on|off}

Full Screen (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: fullscreen {on|off}

Quit/close The Game (submitted by karebear 531)

Enter the code: quit

Modify Sims' Lives (submitted by dinosatnoon)

Open the cheat window and type "enabletestingcheats true" Now shift+right click on the mailbox of your sim's lot, and a menu will open up allowing you set their career and many other things. You can also click and drag their motives and skills with this cheat on. You can also shift+right click on sims to trigger an age transition. You can shift+click anywhere to "teleport" to that spot.

Open All Cheats (submitted by X1962X)

This will work at anytime in the game click Ctrl+Shift+C at the same time. Then a blue window like thing will drop down from the top left of the screen, then type: TestingCheatsEnabled true It is case sensitive. Then click enter on your keyboard. Now you can adjust almost anything in the game. Note do not type the boolprop like you would in the Sims 2 game. It doesn't work in the Sims 3 games. most all of the cheats in the sims 2 games will work in the Sims 3 games, but remember don't use the boolprop on any of the cheat in the Sims 3 games it won't work.

Friends Cheat, Mood Cheat... (submitted by DoogieGo)

Hold CTRL, SHIFT, and "C" to bring up a long blue transparent box at the top of the playing screen. Enter "testingcheatsenabled true" make sure that you ONLY put a space behind the word "true" or else it will say. "CODE NOT RECOGNIZED". After that, go to the mood and click and drag the green, yellow, or red bar up or down. You may go to the friends list and also drag those bars up or down.

As Much Money As Possible (submitted by Neko11)

Type in familyFunds in the cheat code bar then that family will have that amount.

Max Motives (submitted by wolf812)

To Max Your Motives Press Ctrl-Shift-C And Enter (TestingCheatsEnabled True) After That Hold Shift And Click Your Mailbox And A Choice Menu Will Come Up Click on (Make Happy) and Your Motives Max Out There Are Other Things AT The Mailbox Too.

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What are cheats for sims 3 world adventures?

The cheats are the same as The Sims 3, the base game. There are no new cheats when this game came out.

How do you get cheats for Sims 3 for the PlayStation 3?

You can't. You can only use cheats in The Sims 3 for PC or Mac.

What are The Sims 3 cheats?

See related links for a full list of all Sims 3 cheats and how to work each of them.

Are there cheats for The Sims 3 world Adventures?

yes there is... its the same for sims 3

What are the Sims 2 Cheats?

go onto google and search in sims 2 cheats and buy sims 3 much beter

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There aren't any cheats for new furniture, you have to download it from places like Mod the Sims.

Is there a sims 2 for iPod touch?

No there is only cheats for sims 2 but you can get sims 3.

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Will there be cheats in the Sims 3?

probably when it comes out in June 2nd. im not sure but trying typing sims 3 cheats in Google. your welcomed if i helped!:)

Is there a cheat on sims 3 on tablet?

No, there are not any cheats available on the Sims 3 game on a tablet.

In sims 3 is the cheats same as sims 2?

im pretty sure...