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I don't know where the trouble is, so i'll tell you all:

first press ctrl+shift+c to bring up the cheat window.

type testingcheatsenabled true and press enter

shift click the mailbox and you can select a lot of things, but you need force npc now.

if you select force npc you can select which one, and they'll come.

the grim reaper will appear somewhere in the house, but you cant talk to him and he will leave immediately.

warning: i have never tried these myself but i heard the repo-man wil take a LOT of items (like 20) and the social worker will take away your children even if they have all green bars.

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Q: Need help with Sims 3 Force NPC cheat?
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Open the cheat box and type testingcheatsenabled true Then open it again and type help in the cheat box That should give you all the cheats

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There's a lot type in help into the cheat box ( open the cheat box by holding ctrl, shift and c)

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There are heaps of cheat codes. Motherlode-$50000 Kaching-$1000 Help-display help testingcheatsenabled on and Shift click letter box Press control shift c to diplay cheat box

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PLEASE be talking about sims 2 deluxe on PC 1) Help. tells you most cheats. 2) Maxmotives-makes your sims happy, but it is in help 3) aspirationlevel (insert number from 0 to 6, 6 being highest) also in help 4) boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. This cheat is activated by shift clicking on things after you've typed in the cheat. When force error comes up, say reset. You can also do this to people, like the social worker! Be warned, though. boolprop can be turned off by replacing true with false. But it's not in help for a reason. Boolprop may overload the game, and make it crash, so avoid doign this spectacular cheat. Twilight Maniac PLEASE be talking about sims 2 deluxe on PC 1) Help. tells you most cheats. 2) Maxmotives-makes your sims happy, but it is in help 3) aspirationlevel (insert number from 0 to 6, 6 being highest) also in help 4) boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. This cheat is activated by shift clicking on things after you've typed in the cheat. When force error comes up, say reset. You can also do this to people, like the social worker! Be warned, though. boolprop can be turned off by replacing true with false. But it's not in help for a reason. Boolprop may overload the game, and make it crash, so avoid doign this spectacular cheat. Twilight Maniac

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type in help in the cheat box and it should show you all the cheats including the unlocking career oblects.

What does testingcheatsenabled do on Sims 3?

It enables all the cheat codes. Type in "Help" in the cheat bar for more cheats. And if you want to enable it then type in "testingCheatsEnabled true" EXACTLY like that.

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it denbends on which sims u have if u have sims 2 on comptrer then yes on ds no the cheat code is call forcetwins type it in when u try for baby i hope it help u have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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u cant Well you can get something close to it, cheat codes definitly help, but my friend did it, her brother was the one who did it and i dont know how sorry

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i need help as well