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Caitlyn, Cathy, Calvin, Cally, Connie, Catherine, Cameron, Carl, Carly, Carlos, Carlisle, Carol, Cassie, Cassidy, Charles, Charlie, Chester.

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Q: Names that begin with c
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What are some sport names that begin with the letter c?

To list a few: Cricket. Cycling.

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Street names that begin with the letter C:CaliforniaCalvaryCastleCherryCollegeConfederateCottage

Boy's name that starts with the letter C?

Boy names that begin with the letter C:CalebCalvinCameronCareyCarlCarlinCarlosCarltonCarmenCarterCaryCaseyCasonCecilCedricChadChandlerCharlesChaseChesterChetChrisChristianChristopherChuckClarenceClarkClaudeClayCliffCliffordCliftonClydeCodyColinColtonConradCoreyCorneliusCoryCourtneyCraigCurtCurtis

Who were the four presidents whose last names begin with a C?

Cleveland Clinton Carter Coolidge

What elements begin with the letter c?

Total Twelve Elements's names are started with the letter CCadmiumCalciumCaliforniumCarbonCeriumCesiumChlorineChromiumCobaltCoperniciumCopperCurium