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Q: Name of place ending with toft?
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Toft Monks's population is 324.

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Morgan Toft is 188 cm.

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Grace Toft is many people. Which one are you asking about?

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Rene Toft Hansen was born in 1984.

A place name ending in ham?

Mersham,Faversham and cobham.

What has the author Gosta Toft written?

Gosta Toft has written: 'Die bauerliche Struktur der deutschen Volksgruppe in Nordschleswig'

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Can you tell me a place name ending in by that can be found in Britain?

I'll name 2 assuming I understood your question correctly, 1. Derby 2. Grimsby

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How do you form the genitive of the Latin name Sergius Orata as in the blank of Sergius Orata?

The genitive form of the Latin name Sergius Orata is the following: Sergii Oratae. In the case of the first name, 'Serg-' is the stem and -'us' is the nominative ending. So remove the '-us' ending, and add the genitive ending '-i'. In the case of the last name, 'Orat-' is the stem, and '-a' is the nominative ending. So remove the '-a' ending, and add the genitive ending '-ae'.

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