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Duiker and dik-dik are antelopes in Africa. They begin with the letter d.

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Q: Name of African antelope begins with D?
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What is a name for an African antelope that begins with the letter D?

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What is the name for an antelope that begins with D?


What antelope name begins with d?

Dik dik

What is the name of an antelope that begins with the letter d?

· Duiker

What is a name for an antelope that begins with the letter D?

-dik-dik species of delicate African antelope, named for the sound it makes when alarmed.-duiker small shy antelope live in most of Africa but are rarely seen by humans

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An antelope that begins with w and ends in d

What is the name of an African antelope that ends with the letter D?

dik dik

Small antelope that begins with the letter d?

answer is DIK DIK

What are some animals in Kenya that begin with the letter D?

Many antelope live in Kenya including the small Duiker antelope. It begins with the letter D.

African antelope starts with GN?

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What is a name for an antelope that ends in letter d?
