Yuri is a foreign boy's name that starts with the letter y.
· Yankee Candle · Yoke's Fresh Market (Spokane, Washington)
There are no-known cookies that start with y, unless you name your cookies Yerladoodles or something that starts with y. Sorry that there are no cookies that start with "y"...
A yellow table is a piece of furniture that's name starts with the letter y
Yuri is a foreign boy's name that starts with the letter y.
Yves Saint Laurent
· Yankee Candle · Yoke's Fresh Market (Spokane, Washington)
There are no-known cookies that start with y, unless you name your cookies Yerladoodles or something that starts with y. Sorry that there are no cookies that start with "y"...
A yellow table is a piece of furniture that's name starts with the letter y
his name is y u wanna know stupid