

Best Answer

Skateboarding, Figure Skating, Gymnastics, Trick Biking, Snowboarding

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: Name a sport that's centered around doing tricks?
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What sport do you do tricks like daffy front tuck and backscratcher?


Does skateboarding help muscles?

Skateboarding works a lot of different muscles because it is indeed a sport. Its a great form of exercise because it works muscles you may not normally use, especially when doing tricks.

Does playing virtual sport games improve real life skills?

it helps you mentally with that sport but not physically cause basically your just sitting around doing nothing

Why does my butt sweat when im moving around playing on the Wii but not when im playing sport?

your doing something right and in sports maybe ur not doing it right

Is it do sport or watch sport?

It can be both. If you are playing a sport for a team. Then you are doing a sport. If you just sitting on your sofa, you are watching a sport.

Why do people like the sport football?

They like it because they like tackling, amazing throws, and tricks

What makes an athlete a marketers dream?

looks and current popularity, as in how is he/she doing in their current sport and what are they doing outside their sport.

What is the national sport of Germany?

The national sport of Germany is Association Football

How does Wii affect your pulse?

pending what you are doing its like if you are doing a sport on wii sport then in will get faster like if you are doing any other sport and if you are doing one you use the buttons and you are sitting down then it wont go much faster than normle

Is there a way to increase the number of Natural Killer cells by doing sport activity and if so what is the best sport for doing it?


Why do you have sports relief?

to make sport people aware about poor people around the world and to raise money for them by doing stupid things

What was the favorite sport in 2000?

The favorite sport in 2000 was me doing your mom and it is still the favorite sport to this very day