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Yes. That is true.

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Q: N Dota what is the item build for rasta?
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How can you convert a simple algorithm to recursive algorithm?

Linear search(a,item) n=length(a) for i=1 to n do if(a[i]==item) then return i end for return -1

What is the main food item eaten in the US?

hotdogs n hamburgers n pizza

Write a c program on heap sort?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void heapsort(int a[],int n); void heapcreate(int a[],int n); void adjust(int a[],int n); int main() { int a[20],n,temp,i; printf("enter number of elements :"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("enter the elements\n"); for(i=0;i <n;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); heapsort(a,n); printf("sorted array is \n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("%d\n",a[i]); } getch(); return(0); } void heapsort(int a[],int n) { int i,temp; heapcreate(a,n); for(i=n-1;i>0;i--) { temp=a[0]; a[0]=a[i]; a[i]=temp; adjust(a,i); } //return; } void heapcreate(int a[],int n) { int i,j,k,item; for(k=1;k { item=a[k]; i=k; j=(i-1)/2; while(i>0&&item>a[j]) { a[i]=a[j]; i=j; j=(i-1)/2; } a[i]=item; } //return; } void adjust(int a[],int n) { int i,j,item; j=0; item=a[j]; i=2*j+1; while(i<=n-1) { if(i+1<=n-1) if(a[i] i++ ; if(item { a[j]=a[i]; j=i; i=2*j+1; } else break; } a[j]=item; //return; }

How do you build a frog trap?

build a pond n let them reproduce in it

What washroom item starts with N?

Nail Clippers

An item on a Web page that you click to display another location is called a(n?

This item is called a link.

What is the cost of two items that equal a total of one hundred dollar and one item is ten dollars more than the other?

Let the lower value item cost $n. Then the higher value item costs $(n + 10).n + (n + 10) = 100 : 2n + 10 = 100 : 2n = 90 : n = 45 therefore n + 10 = 55.The two items cost $45 and $55.

Write Algorithm to perform the insertion and deletion operation of a linear array?

//Algorithm to perform the insertion and deletion operation of a linear arrayINSERT (ArrA, n, i, item) where ArrA is a linear array with n elements and i is a positive integer where i <=n. The element 'item' will be inserted into the ith position in ArrA.1. j = n2. repeat steps 3 and 4 while j >= i3. ArrA[j+1] = ArrA[j]4. j = j - 15. ArrA[i] = item6. n = n+1DELETE (ArrA, n, i, item) where ArrA is a linear array with n elements and i is a positive integer where i <=n. The element 'item' will be deleted from the ith position in ArrA.1. item = ArrA[i]2. repeat for j = i to n -1 ArrA[j] = ArrA[j+1]4. n = n - 1NO HARD RETURNS ALLOWED