

Best Answer

crazy crazy world we live in la da de la da da la da da da da da da da da de

diamonds are forever diamonds are forever forever diamonds are.

do do dy dod doddo do do do dop dopi shoo ba Dee da shooba Dee Dee deee da day

don't know have a clue get a new game or ditch your ds get a dsi and download real football 09

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: My fifa 09 game won't run it just says loading please wait and it won't loadCan you help?
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i am currently having the same problem, once you press ok and it loads, does it freeze there?

Is FIFA an action game?

No, FIFA is a soccer game.

My Harvest Moon DS game just froze in the process of loading Please tell me theres a way to fix it?

If it's doesn't finish loading in about a minute, you will have to restart the ds.

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Yes, you can get the FIFA 14 as your Fifa Game or you may decide to go for the previous versions/

Can you dive in FIFA 12?

No you can't dive on FIFA 12 or any FIFA game.

What FIFA games can you play on Facebook?

Currently you cannot play any FIFA game on Facebook. No FIFA game has been associated with Facebook yet.

Will there be a new FIFA game?

one guess! Yes ok course there is going to be a new fifa game. fifa is one of EA's main games

How can you play FIFA World Cup in FIFA 10 psp?

i dont think that world cup mode is there in fifa 10. it is there as a seperate game called 2010 fifa world cup the game.

Will there be a FIFA o9?

Yes, there is a Fifa 09 and its a darn good game

Is there going to be another FIFA game?

Yes fifa 10 2011

Is FIFA 10 better than FIFA 09?

Yes, alot better!!! It's better with game control and shooting ability! Ive got Fifa 10, Fifa 09, Fifa 08 and 07 and Fifa 10 tops the list in ease!!!! Loving the game!!

What is the name of the song featured in the video game FIFA 06' that starts 'North to South'?

Please refer to the following website for all of your video game music needs: