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Rub her legs softly

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Q: My baby girl ds game im stuck on 7 months i can get her to crawl but the star will break after im as far as i can go and i cant get her legs firm?
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Related questions

How many months can a baby crawl?

depends on the environment in the household

When does a newborn baby learn to crawl?

Babies will learn to crawl at a variety of ages, ranging from 6 months to 13 months.

When should a baby be able to crawl?

crawls--nine months (12 months)

Who was the youngest baby to crawl?

My second baby crawled at 5 months!! She is now a "middle" child & is now 7.She has been non-stop ever since! But they youngest was a baby in India at the age of 3 months.!

How old is a babies before it can crawl?

Not usually. Crawling takes more time for a baby to master. Yes its possible. My baby crawled properly at 5.5 months, but couldn't sit properly till about 6.5 months.

Can autism affect a baby's ability to crawl?

it shouldn't affect a baby's ability to crawl

How does a baby crawl on baby girl?

i dont get it but i think the just crawl playin lolzs

Average age a baby starts crawling?

A baby normally begins to crawl around 9 months old, but if it takes longer than this there is no need to panic, your baby will pick it up eventually.

What type of material is best for your baby to wear when they crawl?

Denim and corduroy are good tough fabrics for a baby to wear when they crawl.

How can do you use 'crawl' word in a sentence?

Example sentence - Our baby is learning to crawl.

Facts about baby mice?

baby mice crawl out of their cage at the age of 3 months. so you should put the cage in a box so they dont run away and die or get stepped on or crushed.

What is the youngest baby on record to crawl?

My cat learnt to crawl at about 4 days old.