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Q: Music group starting with p
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What is a group of sheriffs deputies called starting with a P?

A posse m8

Music group starting with C?

Counting Crows the Cure the Cadillacs

What kind of music is Ska P known for?

Ska P is a combination ska and punk punk,called ska-punk for short.The group is from Spain.They are an anti-establishment music group,but are not known for jamming.They have well-crafted musical arrangements.

What is a group of countries that is ruled by another country starting with E m p?

This is an empire.

Music group starting with c in the genre of portishead?

The only group which I can think of that fits the requirements is the rather obscure band "CirKus"

Musical group starting with the letter JO?

Joan Jett & the Blackhearts was a 1980's musical group. Joe Mullins & the Radio Ramblers is a Bluegrass and Gospel music group.