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Yentel (Barbara Steisand) The Yearling

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Q: Movie that begins with Y
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What country begins with y and ends with i?

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Yogic is a word. It begins with y and ends with c.

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Yummy is a compliment to the chef regarding the food. It begins with the letter y.

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Yemen is the only country that begins with the letter Y. It is in Asia.

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No neighboring country of Germany begins with the letter Y. Yemen is the only country in the world that begins with the letter Y. Yemen is in Asia. Germany is in Europe.

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Yaya Shopping Center is located in Nairobi, Kenya. It begins with the letter Y.

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A guys name that begins with a Y is either Yusuf or Yeller . . . You might not like them both.

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The yellow-billed cuckoo is a forest animal. It begins with the letter y.

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Ymir is a moon of Saturn. It begins with the letter Y.