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To upgrade Your Milker you need to milk cows.

You can't upgrade it to Copper, Silver, Gold and so forth.

But once you get to like level 5 you make around just 2000 dollars a day IN MILK

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Q: Milker upgrade on harvest moon
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In harvest moon ds cute how do you upgrade the milker?

You can't upgrade your milker. The size of your milk determines on how fast you milk your cow. Then, there are different levels of your milker. you copy and paste this site, it shows pretty much anything you need to know about harvest moon ds cute

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By using them While waring the touch glove, And No, There are not cheats to increase you level faster either.

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just keep using them. they will upgrade levels automatically, you don't need to call saibara, or anything.

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Use the milker in the air in till you have the death sign above your head if you do this every day you will have a level 1 milker in four days (maybe later or sooner) . If you have turbojolt or bodygizer it goes faster because you can heal yourself. That's all !

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In the Harvest Moon DS video game, a player can use the milker repetitively inside any building until they reach level one with the milker. Using it 99 more times will give them 99 bottles of milk, which can be used to increase income and rescue sprites.

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Upgrade Your House ( Last Upgrade )

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which harvest moon? if it's island of happiness you go to Gannon and select build and then select upgrade house! B)

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by sleeping

Where is the milker in Harvest Moon DS Cute?

You purchase it over the phone from 'Siabara Black Smith'. You can also get the Brush, Sheers and Bell from them.