

Best Answer

* perforated ear drum * pancreatic cancer * polio * post- partum depression * paralysis * punctured lung * pneumonia * psoriasis * premature labor * prostate cancer * Pachymeningitis * Paget's Disease * Palpitations * Panarthritis * Pancarditis * Pancoast's Tumour * Pancreatitis * Panicula * Panleucopenia * Panmyelopathy * Panniculitis * Panopthalmitis * Panotitis * Pansystolic Murmer * Papillitis * Papilloedema * Papilloma * Papillomatosis * PapuleParaesthesia * Paralysis * Paramnesia * Paramyotonia Congenita * Paranoia * Paraparesis * Paraphimosis Paraplegia * Paratyphoid Fever * Parencephalous * Parkinsons Disease * Paronychia * Parosmia * Parotitis Paterson - Kelly Syndrome * Parrot Disease * Pediculosis Pellagra * Pemphigus* Periarteritis * Periathritis * Pericarditis* Pericolpitis * Pericystitis * Perihepatitis* Perinephritis * Periodontitis Peritonitis * Peritonsillar Abscess * Perleche PerniosisPertussis Perthes Disease * Petechia Petit Mal Peyronie's Disease * PhaeochromocytomaPhallitis * Pharyngitis Phenylpyruvic Oligophrenia * Phimosis * Phlebitis * Phlebothrombosis * Phlegmon Photalgia * Photophobia * Photosensitive Phthirus * Pubis Phthisis * Pica * Pick's Disease* Pigeon Breast * Chest Piles * Pilonidal Abscess or Sinus Pilosis * Pimple Pinworms* Pink Disease * Pink Eye * Piriformis Syndrome * Pityriasis Alba * Pityriasis Rosea * Plague * Pleurisy * Pleurocele * Pleurodynia * Plummer- Vinson Syndrome * Pneumatocele * Pneumomycosis * Pneumonia * Pneumothorax * Pneumoconiosis * Podagra * Podarthritis * Podopompholyx * PoliomyelitisPolycystic Ovarian Disease * Polyarthritis * Polycythaemia * Polydactylism * PolymyalgiaRheumatica * Polyps * Polyuria * Porphyria Post Concussional Syndrome * Postpartum Hypopituitarism * Posthitis Pott's Disease * Poxvirus * Preeclampsia * Presbyopia * Presenile Dementia * Pressure Area Sores * Priapism * Prickly Heat * Procidentia * Proctalgia * Proctitis * Progeria * Proglottis * Projectile Vomiting Prostatitis * Prostatocystitis * Protanopia * Pruritus * Psittacosis * Psoriasis * Ptosis * Pubic Lice * Purpura Pustule * PyaemiaPyelonephritis * PyloricStenosis * Pyrexia Pyrosis

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Q: Medical conditions that start with P?
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P with a line over it means after in medical terms."post"

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