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Q: Max Gladwell believes that our world is being profoundly changed by the?
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Max Gladwell asserts that the world is being profoundly changed by?

social media

What does max gladwell asserts that the world is being profoundly changed by?

Social Media-Apex~

In his blog Max Glad-well says that our world is being profoundly changed by?

Social Media -Apex

Is Gladwell a liar?

There is a 50% chance of that being true. To tell the truth, I don't even know who that is.

Is Max Gladwell a liar?

There is a 50% chance of that being true. To tell the truth, I don't even know who that is.

Is profoundly an adverb?

Yes, "profoundly" is indeed an adverb. It is used to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to convey the idea of something being done to a great extent or in a deep manner.

What religion believes god is infinite?

There may be more than one, but Christianity believes that God is an infinite being.

What make bad king?

Being selfishmoodyfull of himselfonly believes himselfjealousgullible

What qualifies an individual to be a freemason?

Being a man of mature age, of good reputation, who believes in a Supreme Being.

Where sorted energyis being changed?

To know what sort of energy is being changed, we need to know what is doing the changing. If your asking what stored energy is being changed into mechanical energy, that answer is potential energy.

What is grammatically correct - an organisation that believes in something or an organisation who believes in something?

It's a bit of a grey area, both are often used and are considered acceptable. This being said, I would say "an organization that believes in something".

How do you close an answer to prevent it from being changed on answerscom?

You cannot close an answer on from being changed by the other contributors and supervisors.