

Best Answer

Master of the secret sea is flash game from You have to command our ship and find some treasures or you can play free mode and come to a pirate or explorer or trader in tree years period.

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Q: Master of the secret sea
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Words that begin with the letters se?

send send sea segal season self september second secret seven search serious

Where do you capture requza in Pokemon ruby easily?

you can capture him if you get a master ball and look for the sky pillar in the sea near pacifidlog cit that's all.

What is the Master pin code for the internet on the Wii?

Go to Wii Menu and click on Parental Controls. Then click on "PIN NUMBER" then puch in this number 1115. Its a secret code for any Wii.

What are the Ranks on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorer of sky?

Explorer Ranks Explorer RankPoints NeededKangaskhan Storage MaxPrizeNormal Rank-64 Items-Bronze Rank10096 ItemsSitrus BerrySilver Rank300200 ItemsZincGold rank1600320 ItemsGinsengDiamond rank3200480 ItemsProteinSuper Rank5000560 ItemsCalciumUltra Rank7500640 ItemsironHyper Rank10500800 ItemsJoy SeedMaster Rank****135001000 ItemsJoy SeedMaster * Rank170001000 ItemsGain Access to Oblivion ForestMaster ** Rank210001000 ItemsGain Access to Treacherous WatersMaster *** Rank250001000 ItemsGain Access to Southern IslandsGuild Master rank1000001000 ItemsGain Access to Inferno CaveSecret rank ***************You can accept Job from the Pokemon exploitation team federation asking you to explore different dungeons each with the seven treasures in, or you can accept challenge letters from some Pokémon also you can now reach Master * Rank, Master ** Rank, Master *** Rank and guild master Rank **** Before you attain Secret Rank Master Rank is the Highest you can go ***** Rescue Scizor from Crevice Cave and he will grant you Secret rank

Is there a cheat or code to get feebas in ruby?

You must fish at one of the six secret fishing spots. To evolve it, you need plenty of Pokebloks. The spots are along Dewford Town's Sea Route.

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Where is the secret master ball?

The secret master ball is in mewtoo's lair. Look around with the item finder for it.

What is the secret word of a Master Mason?

This is a secret and so it can't be given. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a secret.

Is master hand a secret character in brawl?

Master hand is not a playable character in brawl.

How to get a cheat for master ball?

you can get 100000 master balls for 1 dollar each in the secret place

How to get the dark crystal on master of the secret sea?

Find Aalbarg and Sullom Foe. Start at Sullom Foe and work your way to Aalbarg, on your way there part of the island will jut out slightly. Land there and search

What is the activation code for chess master challenge?

It's a secret my friend. :)

You are happiest on the sea bed but bound to your master?


What is master cravens sons name in The Secret Garden?

Mr. Collin Craven

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What is the family secret in Sea of Monsters?

percy has a half-brother

Where you can find the medicine for the gym master in Pokemon crystal?

You can find the medicine in Cianwood city, the city across the sea. Talk to Jasmine at the top of the lighthouse, and go to the house at the bottom of Cianwood city and talk to the guy. He will give you the secret medicine.

Are there secret master balls in Pokemon?

Surprisingly, yes. In Black and White, if you trade with people from fifty different countries, you receive a second Master Ball.