there is only one i know go to opshens and go to cheats and then tipe in guide the cheat is guide laster to help you shoot!
In Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, you can obtain the Heckler & Koch USP after defeating Olga Gurlukovich in the Tanker chapter. The empty pistol will be lying next to her unconscious body.
In Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, one can obtain the Heckler & Koch PSG1 sniper rifle by returning to the Strut F Warehouse after meeting up with Richard Ames in the Shell 1 Core. He will have given you a Lvl 3 card, which allows you to open rooms you were unable to enter before. You will find the PSG1 in one of the rooms on the second floor of the warehouse.
Kagu (bird)Kai Ken (dog breed from Japan)Kaka (parrot)Kakapo - (flightless parrot from New Zealand)Kakarratul (northern marsupial mole of Australia)Kakariki (parrot)KalumburuKimberly SliderKangarookangaroo mouse - (small rodent from North America)Kangaroo rat - (another small rodent from North America)Karakul (sheep)Karelian Bear Dog (rare dog breed from Finland)Katydid (large grasshopper)KeaKeel-billed ToucanKeeshond (dog breed from the Netherlands)KelpfishKentrosaurus (extinct dinosaur)Kermadec petrelKerry Blue Terrier (terrier breed from Ireland)Kestrel (small falcon)Kid (young goat, antelope)Killdeer (bird)Killer WhaleKillifish (fish; minnow)Kimberley MouseKimberley rock-ratKimberley rock monitorKingbird (large songbird)King cobraKingfisher (brightly colored bird)Kinglet (small gray bird)King parrotKing penguinKing snakeKing's Hairstreak(butterfly)King's skinkKinkajou - mammal in the rain forestKiskadee (tropical bird)Kissing fishKit FoxKite (small hawk)KittenKittiwake (gull)KittyKiwi - flightless bird from New ZealandKlipspringerKnifejaw (fish)Koch's Sandgroper (rather like an 'underground grasshopper')Knot eelKoalaKodiak bear (large brown bear)Koi - a fishKomodo dragonKomondor (Hungarian dog breed with a white corded coat)Koodoo (spiraled horned antelope)Kooikerhondje (rare dog breed from the Netherlands)Koolie (Australian herding dog breed)Korat (Thai cat breed)Kookaburra (bird)Kowari - (small Australian marsupial)Kouprey (wild ox)Krill (tiny crustacean almost like a shrimp)Kromfohrländer (German companion dog breed)Kronosaurus (extinct dinosaur)Kudu (antelope)Kultarr (Australian marsupial)Kunming Wolfdog (wolf/dog Chinese hybrid)Kusimanse (mongoose)Kuvasz (white Hungarian dog breed)Kyi-Leo (dog breed created by crossing the Maltese with the Lhasa Apsok kangarookangaroos,koalas,kittens,katydid kangaroo kitten koala bear king cobra kiwi kitten kookaburra krillKangaroo Koala Bear
no they are not.
Heckler & Koch G3 Steyr AUG M-16 AK-47 Heckler & Koch MP5 Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW Heckler & Koch G3 Steyr AUG M-16 AK-47 Heckler & Koch MP5 Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW
ERMA MP40 (aka Schmeisser, standard-issue German smg of WWII) Heckler & Koch MP5 Heckler & Koch MP5K Heckler & Koch MP7
The Guns that the Portuguese army use are as follow's. Handguns Walther P38 SIG P228 Heckler and Koch USP9 Rifles and Carbines Heckler & Koch G3 Heckler & Koch G36 Heckler & Koch HK 417 IMI Galil Heckler & Koch MSG-90 AI AWSF AI AWSM AI AW50 Barrett M95 Barrett M82A1 Sub-Machineguns Brügger & Thomet MP9 Heckler & Koch MP5K Heckler & Koch MP5A5 Heckler & Koch MP5SD6 IMI Uzi Shotguns Mossberg 500 Benelli M3 Franchi SPAS 15 Machine Guns MG3 Heckler & Koch HK 21 FN Minimi Heckler & Koch MG4 Heavy Machine Guns FN M3M Browning M2HB Grenade Launchers HK79 M203 Heckler & Koch AG36 ARWEN 37 Milkor MGL Mortars 120mm Tampella B 81mm L16 A2 m/86 60mm Soltan 60mm FBP m/68 Missile Launcher's M72 LAW Carl Gustav M3 MILAN TOW
No, small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch GmbH is a privately held company, and as such is not publicly traded.
Koch Industries is a privately-held company and as such has no publicly-traded stock.
Made by Heckler & Koch, Germany
Heckler & Koch, G.M.b.H
Heckler & Koch discover mp5.
Heckler and Koch and BAE Systems.
AK47.If i had a choice I would choose the Heckler and Koch usp.While both are fine made sidearms,I have seen the Heckler and Koch hold up extremely well over a period of many years of full load shooting.