

Best Answer

are u smarter than a 10 year old

do you remember what you were told

teacher, teacher were back in primary school

are you smarter than you used to be

Are you smarter than a 10 year old

how many facts can your memory hold

teacher teacher back in primary school

do you have the brains to pass

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Yes a 11 year old can be smarter than a 17 year old because you forget more things that you learned in 5 grade than a 11 year old. someone was hear

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not nessecceraly.

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You didn't state either the age or the breed of dog, but in most cases a dog would be smarter than a two year old person. Two year olds are really not very smart, in general (although some are smarter than others).

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it depends where you live

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yes they can in are you smarter than a ten year old

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His name is Lloyd Donovan

Are babies smarter than dogs?

A dog has an average intelligence of that of a 2 year old human. So if the baby is less than 2 years old, then probably not.

How do you be a classmate on are you smarter than a ten year old?

this may not help much but i think that you go onto and that website might give you the answer to your question. do you wanna be on the show?

Who sings theme song for are you smarter than a 10 year old?

St. Josephs RC Junior School Choir

How big is a 2 year olds brain?

about as big as mine, and im 11, so im saying a 2 year old is smarter than me