Read more: What_are_the_cheats_in_love_hina_sim_date
if you go to you tube and put love hina sim date rpg and then it'll give you all the answers if you follow it
kill her
Tokyo U
To play Love Hina Sim Date on your mobile device, you must first download the game to the device. After installing the game, you can choose your character and start to play.
Forget Love Hina. xD Play enzai. c:
if you go to you tube and put love hina sim date rpg and then it'll give you all the answers if you follow it
There are many gaming sites that can help you with this. You can look through them or ask a question for others to answer.
kill her
The levels in Love Hina Sim date RPG are...unfamiliarnew friendgood friendclose friendgirlfriendthe last level is... ??? really it is
Tokyo U
To play Love Hina Sim Date on your mobile device, you must first download the game to the device. After installing the game, you can choose your character and start to play.
If you mean where you have to select your answer, there is Love Hina.
it doesnt mean anything
she is the owner of the Tokyo U dojo like place
It means you have become the girl(s) alloted mating source