The longest word starting with c is counterproductiveness with twentyone letters crystallographically has twenty letters
The longest word starting with the letter "c" in the English language is "counterdemonstration," which has 21 letters. This word refers to a demonstration held in opposition to another. It is important to note that the length of a word can vary depending on the context and specific criteria used for measurement.
Conceptualization is the longest word in the English language that starts with the letter c. Other long words that start with the letter c include congeniality, contagiousness, classlessness, and claustrophobia.
the answer is c-a-r-g-o.
A 7 letter word starting with c is confirm.
Conceptualization is the longest word in the English language that starts with the letter c. Other long words that start with the letter c include congeniality, contagiousness, classlessness, and claustrophobia.
A word to describe you starting with the letter c is cute.
Countdown and commencement are synonyms for starting. They begin with the letter c.
Five letter word, begins with c ends with d:creedcloudchordcriedcaredcoredcrowdcupidcycad
A synonym for "quote" starting with the letter C is "citation."
counterrevolution contains 17 letters