Guitar Hero 1 has the song "Killer Queen."
Drums- Eye of the Tiger Guitar- Living on a prayer
The hardest guitar hero 2 song is Jordan or can sometimes be called YYZ. Its rated 3 hardest song in guitar hero history. This song will burn your fingers
Yes, the song Carry On my Wayward Son is on Guitar Hero 2 (or II)
The Easiest Song On Guitar Hero 1 Is "I Love Rock And Roll" By Joan Jett and the Blackhearts.
If by this you mean "How do you get the song Holiday on Guitar Hero World Tour", there is no song called Holiday available on this game, built-in or downloadable.
no, each game has a different song except for guitar hero smash hits
No he just has a song that is on guitar hero world tour which is beat it. NO he just has a song on guitar hero that noe can beat!
About 85.
the iron man song is in guitar hero 2
A hacked version of Guitar Hero has the song.
I don't belive so...but a song comes on the Guitar Hero World Tour though.
The Unplugged version of About a Girl is currently available in the setlist on Guitar Hero: World Tour.
Unlock it at the 2009 countdown on the Times Square Gig.
"World's hardest song" is not a guitar hero song,It's modded,The mod is guitar hero: customYou need you console chipped or programmedThen you need to go to the site to download the songMy apologies I do not know what the site is called..
Guitar Hero 1 has the song "Killer Queen."