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3 square meals

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What country has the most letters in its name?

Al Jumahiriyah al Arabiyah al Libiyah ash Shabiyah al Ishtirakiyah al Uzma also known as libya

Mario paint composer codes?

heres one i made of Kotake and Koume's theme from the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. 4/4*+oj+++++q:++++++q:lj++++++q::++++++q:++++++q:++++++q:++++++q:+op+++++q::li++++++q:++++++q:++++++q::::+oo+++++q::lh++++++q::++++++q::::+on+++++q::lg++++++q:::::++++++q:+oj+++++q::lj+lh+++++q:::++++++q:::++op++++q::li+lg+++++q::::::+oo+++++q::lh+lf+++++q::::::++on++++q::lg+le+++++q::::::aj+oj+++++q::lh+lj+ah++++q::oj++ai++++q:ah++++++q:lj+lh++ai+++q:aj++++++q:op+aj;+++++q:++++++q:li+lg+ai++++q:++++++q:op+ae+++++q::li+lg+++++q::oo+ai++af+++q::lh+lf+ac+af+++q::oo+ah+ae++++q:ac+af+++++q:lh+ae+ah+lf+++q:af+ai+++++q:on+ag+aj++++q:++++++q:lg+le+ah+ae+++q:++++++q:on+ai+al++++q::lg+le+++++q::oj+aj+++++q::lj+lh+ah++++q::oj+ai+++++q:ah++++++q:ai+lh+lj++++q:aj++++++q:op+aj;+++++q::li+lg++ai+++q::op+ae+++++q::li+lg+++++q:++++++q:oo+ai+af++++q:++++++q:lh+lf+ac+af+++q::oo+ae+ah++++q:ac+af+++++q:lh+lf+ah+ae+++q:af+ai+++++q:on+ag+aj++++q:++++++q:lg+le+ae+ah+++q::on++ai+al+++q::lg+le+++++q::oj+aj+++++q::lj+lh+ah++++q:ai++++++q:ah++++++q:ai++++++q:aj++++++q:ai++++++q:op+aj+++++q::li+lg+ag++++q:ah++++++q:ag++++++q:ah++++++q:ai++++++q:ah++++++q:oo+ai+++++q::lh+lf+af++++q:ag++++++q:af++++++q:ag++++++q:ai++++++q:ah++++++q:aj+on+++++q::lg+le++af+++q:ae++++++q:ad#++++++q:ae++++++q:af++++++q:ae++++++q:af+oj+++++q:++++++q:lj+lh+ah++++q:ai++++++q:ah++++++q:ai++++++q:aj++++++q:ai++++++q:op+aj+++++q::li+lg+ag++++q:ah++++++q:ag++++++q:+ah+++++q:ai++++++q:ah++++++q:ai+oo+++++q:++++++q:lh+lf+af++++q:ag++++++q:af++++++q:ag++++++q:ah++++++q:ag++++++q:on+aj+++++q::af+lg+le++++q:ae++++++q:ad#++++++q:+ae+++++q:ad#++++++q:ae++++++q:oj+ab+++++q:ac++++++q:ae+lj+lh++++q:af++++++q:oj++ag++++q:ah++++++q:lj+lh+ai++++q:aj++++++q:op+++ag+++q:ah++++++q:li+lg+ai++++q:aj++++++q:op+ak#+++++q:+al+++++q:li+lg+am++++q:+an+++++q:oo++++++q:+aa+++++q:lh+lf++ab+++q:+ac+++++q:oo++ad#++++q:+ae+++++q:+lf+af+lh+++q:+ag+++++q:on++af++++q:+ag+++++q:lg+le++ah+++q:+ai+++++q:on++aj++++q:+ak#+++++q:lg+le+al++++q:am++++++q:oj++++++q:++++++q:aj+lj+lh++++q:aj;++++++q:aj+oj+++++q:aj;++++++q:aj+lj+lh++++q:ai++++++q:ah+op+++++q:ai++++++q:li+ah+lg++++q:ai++++++q:ah+op+++++q:+ai+++++q:li+ah+lg++++q:ag++++++q:+oo+++++q::lh+lf+++af++q:ag++++++q:oo+af+++++q:ag++++++q:lh+lf+af++++q:+ae+++++q:af+on+++++q:ae++++++q:af+lg+le++++q:+ae+++++q:+on+ad#++++q:+ac+++++q:+lg+le+ab+++q:++++++q:oj+aj+++++q:ak#++++++q:lj+lh+aj+ab+++q:ai+aa+++++q:oj+ah+ab++++q:aa+ai+++++q:lj+lh+ab+ah+++q:ac+ag+++++q:ad#+op+af++++q:ac+ag+++++q:ad#+lg+li+af+++q:ac+ae+++++q:ad#+op+af++++q:ae++++++q:af+lg+li++++q:ag++++++q:+oo+++++q:af++++++q:lf+lh+ab+ag#+++q:aa+af+++++q:oo+ab+ae++++q:aa+ae+++++q:lf+lh+ad#+ab+++q:ae+ac+++++q:on+af+ad#++++q:ae+ac+++++q:le+lg+ad#++++q:ac+ae+++++q:ad#+on+af++++q:ab+ae+++++q:le+lg+aa+af+++q:aa+ag+++++q:oj++++++q:+ag++ag+ag++q:lj+lh+aa+af+++q:ag++ab++++q:oj+af+aa++++q:ag+an+++++q:lj+lh+af+am+++q:ae+al+++++q:op+af+ak#++++q:ae+aj+++++q:af+ak#+li+lg+++q:ae+al+++++q:ad#+am+op++++q:ac+an+++++q:ab+am+li+lg+++q:++ag++++q:ae+oo+aa++++q:af+ab+++++q:ae+lh+lf+aa+++q:ad#++ag++++q:oo+af+ab++++q:ae+aa+++++q:af+lh+lf+ab+++q:ag+ac+++++q:ad#+ah+on++++q:ab+af+++++q:le+ah+lg+ad#+++q:++++++q:on+af+aj++++q::le+lg+++++q::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"287287%500

Is there a 6 letter name of actor starting with al and have a c in it?

Al Pacino

What does et al mean in crosswords?

Et al means "and others." In crossword puzzles, et al. indicates that the answer will be a plural. It tells you to write the group that includes all of the things listed. So bananas, apples, oranges, et al. might have the answer "fruit" or "fruits." If the clues were FDR, JFK, et al, you might say "dems."

What is a compound word starting with al?

Allover, allowable, alongshore and alongside are compound words. They begin with the letters al.

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El Al airlines. This (105 down) is the only one I'll give you. Do your own crossword puzzle.

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Type AE and AQ accept bolt-on breakers, type AL accepts plug-in breakers.

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I have all the personel who landed on the moon. Each Apollo moon landing mission. But who was on each moon landing mission?

Apollo 11: Neil A. Armstrong, commander; Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin, LM pilot; Michael Collins, CM pilot. Apollo 12: Charles P. "Pete" Conrad, commander; Alan L. Bean, LM pilot; Richard F. "Dick" Gordon, CM pilot. Apollo 13 (did not land): James A. "Jim" Lovell, commander; Fred W. Haise, LM pilot; John L. "Jack" Swigert, CM pilot. Apollo 14: Alan B. Shepard, commander; Edgar D. Mitchell, LM pilot; Stuart A. Roosa, CM pilot. Apollo 15: David R. Scott, commander; James B. "Jim" Irwin, LM pilot; Al Worden, CM pilot. Apollo 16: John W. Young, commander; Charles M. "Charlie" Duke, LM pilot; T. Kenneth "Ken" Mattingly, CM pilot. Apollo 17: Eugene A. "Gene" Cernan, commander; Harrison H. "Jack" Schmitt, LM pilot; Ronald E. "Ron" Evans, CM pilot.

What is the highest number in a sudoku puzzle?

The puzzle known as "Al Escargot" (the snail) is currently considered the hardest Sudoku puzzle. It was created by a Finnish mathematician called Arto Inkala. One of the hardest Sudoku books available is "Extreme Sudoku" by Antoine Alary, not to be confused with "X-TREME Sudoku" by Nikoli & Co. or "Sudoku Xtreme" by Christopher Monckton, which are both an order of magnitude easier.

What is the most popular family in UAE?

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What is 'a few phrases' when translated from English to Italian?

Alcune espressioni is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "a few phrases." The feminine plural phrase also translates as "any expressions" or "some phrases" in English. The pronunciation will be "al-KOO-ney-spres-SYO-nee" in Italian.