No. Hyphenated words are not allowed in Scrabble.
Well-to-do is a hyphenated word. The direction west-northwest is hyphenated.
Fine-tune is an 8 letter hyphenated word. High-tech, half-mast, half-moon are additional hyphenated words.
Hyphenated words that start with the letter f:father-in-lawfine-tunefirst-class decisionforty-fivefour-fifths
Some hyphenated words beginning with J include... jet-lagged, jet-powered and many more
All-inclusive is a hyphenated word. It begins with the letter a.
Some examples of hyphenated words beginning with "a" include: anti-inflammatory cross-reference self-esteem up-to-date
No they shouldn't be hyphenated.
words are only hyphenated when they have a separate meaning when separated than they do when hyphenated
Cross-country Self-confidence Mother-child
No it's not hyphenated.
It can be. Some words can be seen both hyphenated and non-hyphenated.
Well-to-do and well-being are hyphenated words. Another hyphenated word is the direction west-northwest.
No. Hyphenated words are not allowed in Scrabble.
Pre construction - two words not hyphenated.