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Best, worst, greatest, least, think, should

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Q: List of clue words for opinion?
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Words is the best clue that a statement is an opinion?

It is

What are some clue words to show something is an opinion?

Words that show the statement is an opinion are should, ought, and could. The person might also use the acronym IMHO which means In My Humble Opinion.

What words are a clue when reading an opinion?

Words like "I believe," "in my opinion," or "I feel" signal that the statement being made is the writer's personal opinion rather than a fact. These words help readers understand that the author is expressing their perspective or beliefs on a topic.

A list of words that mean question?

Verb form: interrogate Noun form: no clue

What are clue words for adjective clauses?

Relative pronouns are clue words for adjective clauses.

How to get medical opinion on cvj related diseased?

no khsdvf clue!

What is the clue word of fated?

Sure to be, cursed and decreed are clue words for fated. Additional clue words include destined, decided and foredoomed.

What are clue words?

Actually, there are nine clue words to generalizations! There are all, most, many, some, sometimes, usually, seldom, few, and generally. Those are all clue words for generalizations.

List of words starting from the letter S and means like an opinion or a thought?

Speculation, surmise, supposition, suspicion and sentiment are synonyms for opinion and thought. They begin with S.

What is the answer to the Crossword clue Expressing an opinion publicly?

It could be: 'airing' or 'uproar'.

What are Clue words for generalizations?

Actually, there are nine clue words to generalizations! There are all, most, many, some, sometimes, usually, seldom, few, and generally. Those are all clue words for generalizations.

What are clue words for description?

Some of the clue words for description are... Most importantly, for example, for instance, and last but not least in fact.