I'm pretty sure there are 7 HM's they are 1. Cut, 2. Fly, 3. Surf, 4. Strength, 5. Flash, 6. Rock Smash, 7. Waterfall
The badges are just,there for you to be able to use HMS outside of battle and for high levels of Pokemon to listen to you depending on the badge...
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
You can get over 151 pokemons. Your starter off Pokemon will/could be Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Charmander.
On Pokemon Pearl's title screen, if the Pokemon LeafGreen game is in the GBA slot, click on "Transfer From LeafGreen" and you can choose six Pokemon from LeafGreen to transfer to Pearl, but be careful-you can't trade them back.
HMs are these type of technique for a Pokemon to learn. You see those trees blocking some ways? You need the HM01(CUT) to cut those trees. But to be able to get those HMS you must defeat some of the Gym Leaders, like Brock and Misty. For example, Brock will give you the availability to give you HM05 FLASH (like a flashlight), but the one who will give you the CD (HMs are like a CD), is one of Professor Oak's Aides. You must catch at least 10 Pokemon, so he can give you that HM05 as the reward. And etc and etc,
Talk to EVERYBODY, sometimes there are secret houses or areas with people that will give them to you.
The HMS in Pokemon leaf green are as follows: 1:Cut 2:Fly 3:Surf 4:Strength 5:Flash 6:Rock Smash 7:Waterfall
The badges are just,there for you to be able to use HMS outside of battle and for high levels of Pokemon to listen to you depending on the badge...
There are seven HMs in Pokemon versions Firered and Leafgreen. They are:1. CUT2. FLY3. SURF4. STRENGTH5. FLASH6. ROCK SMASH7. WATERFALLThese are listed in their HM numbers and not the order they are obtained.Hope I helped.
it is a very long list, so please check serebii.net for a full list of the Pokemon in leafgreen. Thanks! :DI can't explain, because there are OVER 151 POKEMON ! Not saying in a mean way. But you can search the original 151 pokemons, and it will show a list.
1. cut 2. fly 3. surf 4. strength 5. flash 6. rocksmash 7. waterfall
The good ones. LOL i no that one of the HMS is surf, fly, rock smash, waterfall, strength, flash,dive(i think)
just type in the cheat list DG489HD4
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
Go to Google and type in [Pokemon Fire Red Pokedex list] or [Pokemon Leaf Green Pokedex list].AnswerVisit http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_National_Dex_number and read up to the Sinnoh Pokedex. These are all the Pokemon available in Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen.
the eight HMS are 01 cut 02 fly 03 surf 04 strength 05 flash 06 rock smash 07 waterfall ur welcome :) killall is a noob, there is no dive (kennytran4)