April is the name of the month that "contains" the letter q. If you look at the alphebet, q falls between p and r. April is the only month that contains these 2 letters next to each other.
There is not a month that contains the letter q in it .
Quinn is a girl name. It begins with the letter Q.
Suzi Quatro is a singer. Her name begins with the letter Q.
Queen Street is the name of a street in Honolulu, Hawaii. It begins with the letter Q.
There is not a month that contains the letter q in it .
No US State name contains a Q.
Nonequivalent is a word. It begins with N and contains the letter Q.
Quinn is a girl name. It begins with the letter Q.
Out of all fifty states, only Arizona contains a Z. And the only letter not present in any State name is Q.
a Quicky contains rum
The answer is Q
Liquid is neither a solid nor gas, and it contains the letter "q."
Yes, Qatar is a country with the letter "q" in its name.
Quasicaecilia is an extinct amphibian. It begins with the letter Q.