Actually to tell u the truth xatu is better than kadabra because if u look at the stats u can tell the difference. yes, but alakasam, is better than xatu
you must trade Kadabra with someone. and than he will evolve. (than you can trade you're Alakazam back.) Good Luck. :)
Xatu is not a legendary Pokemon
Xatu can be caught in the Safari Zone.
Kadabra only evolves by trading it (Kadabra evolves into Alakazam).
Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Mew, Natu Xatu, Espeon, Umbreon, Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir
Natu evolves to Xatu at 25. Xatu is the final evolution.
you must trade Kadabra with someone. and than he will evolve. (than you can trade you're Alakazam back.) Good Luck. :)
Xatu is not a legendary Pokemon
Get a natu and train it, no way to get xatu in wild
there is no xatu
Xatu can be caught in the Safari Zone.
Xatu is the final form of Natu, and doesn't evolve
Xatu is a Psychic and Flying type pokemon.
Xatu and Xerneas.
Xatu learns psychic at level 59.
Natu evolves at level 25 into xatu Mine evolved at level 27 into xatu