It is quite good for a Blissey to learn those moves just change toxicIcebeam to either protect or thunder wave if you want a stall Blissey or keep Icebeam if your afraid of poison and steel types to cancel your toxic.
Hyper Beam is the best move it does 150
definitly. it has the highest hp out of any other pokemon, including arceus. people who dont use it competitivly probably dont use because it cant deal damage as easly, which in-game, is usually one of the only needed tactics. anyway, if you look at the difference between physical and special, it can deal decent damage and is a good tank/wall. if your not impressed with special attacks, then it can do a lot of indirect damage. if your lucky enough to have leaf green/fire red/emerald, you can teach it siesmic toss, which can do constant damage depending on level. anyway, i suggest teaching it counter, its low defence can be used as an advantage. ex: you have 600 hp and 10 defence. that means if your hit by a physical attack, then you will probably end upt with 300 hp. counter will deal DOUBLE of the damage from a physical attack, so 600 damage will easily one-shot any thing besides another blissey. then, use softboil and you have 600 h again! although counter can only be used with a physical move, remember blissey was designed to not be phased by special attacks. ex: another thing you can do is take advantage of the move toxic. toxic poisins the enemy and the poison worsens each turn. if you can keep blissey alive long enough (trust me you can), the poison damage becomes insane. my blissey has this skill set ice beam toxic softboiled counter to teach it ice beam, find it on rout 216 (tm) toxic is a tm, not sure where it is sorry counter is a bit more difficult. you need to get a male breloom that knows counter and breed it with a chansey to get a chansey with counter (worth it!) it learns softboiled at level 12
Discharge, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Flash.
Seeing as Mew is conisdered Uber class in Blue version, it will only have problems with Mewtwo. The best moveset is this case would be Swords Dance, Earthquake, Hyper Beam, and Softboiled. This set is designed to take advantage of Mewtwo's poor defense stats and still make Mew a threat to anything else.
Ice Beam,Bounce,Dizzy Punch,and Drain Punch or Thunderbolt
Obvious enough, Pokemon are able to learn different movesets. For example, this a very common moveset for blissey, making it very formidable. Blissey - Ice beam - Soft boiled - Thunder wave - Aromathearaphy Note that both ice beam and thunder wave can not be learn normally by leveling up. It can be obtained either through TM or through move tutors from other versions of Pokemon.
It really depends what u wanna do... With only counter and seismic toss ghost types can set up all over perhaps I've beam if you don't have a ghost counter....sing is what run in my blissey to predict the switch ins of fighting types sleeping pokes can then be taken out wth psychics or ice beams/ seismic toss while they are asleep
Hyper Beam is the best move it does 150
definitly. it has the highest hp out of any other pokemon, including arceus. people who dont use it competitivly probably dont use because it cant deal damage as easly, which in-game, is usually one of the only needed tactics. anyway, if you look at the difference between physical and special, it can deal decent damage and is a good tank/wall. if your not impressed with special attacks, then it can do a lot of indirect damage. if your lucky enough to have leaf green/fire red/emerald, you can teach it siesmic toss, which can do constant damage depending on level. anyway, i suggest teaching it counter, its low defence can be used as an advantage. ex: you have 600 hp and 10 defence. that means if your hit by a physical attack, then you will probably end upt with 300 hp. counter will deal DOUBLE of the damage from a physical attack, so 600 damage will easily one-shot any thing besides another blissey. then, use softboil and you have 600 h again! although counter can only be used with a physical move, remember blissey was designed to not be phased by special attacks. ex: another thing you can do is take advantage of the move toxic. toxic poisins the enemy and the poison worsens each turn. if you can keep blissey alive long enough (trust me you can), the poison damage becomes insane. my blissey has this skill set ice beam toxic softboiled counter to teach it ice beam, find it on rout 216 (tm) toxic is a tm, not sure where it is sorry counter is a bit more difficult. you need to get a male breloom that knows counter and breed it with a chansey to get a chansey with counter (worth it!) it learns softboiled at level 12
Discharge, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Flash.
Seeing as Mew is conisdered Uber class in Blue version, it will only have problems with Mewtwo. The best moveset is this case would be Swords Dance, Earthquake, Hyper Beam, and Softboiled. This set is designed to take advantage of Mewtwo's poor defense stats and still make Mew a threat to anything else.
Ice Beam,Bounce,Dizzy Punch,and Drain Punch or Thunderbolt
NO! Typhlosion may have high Sp. Atk., but what would this moveset do against a Dragon/Flying or Fire type?
real good combo it would be good to make it have a physical move! But it still good without it
No, this is a great moveset. I prefer surf because it has more pp, and because it allows you to surf places. Ice beam is great as well, so in the end, it's your choice.
A good moveset for a Blostoise would be: Surf, Ice Beam, Giga Impact, Toxic.
Keep in mind this is my opinion Blissey--------------------empoleon--------------dustox-------------luxray-----------------staraptor Softboiled Blizzard Toxic Thunder bolt Brave bird Earthquake Hyper beam U-turn Thunder Ariel ace Seismec toss Surf Moonlight Discharge Fly Refresh Hydro pump Ariel ace Hyper beam Endeavor Blissey is good Empoleon is good Dustox is good Because its like Because of surf Because you can poison You have a pokecenter And its tanky And it can restore its hp With you where ever you go Moves Often and u-turn With softboiled and it has more HP than any other pokemon Luxray is good because of its Staraptor is good because of its REALLY ACCURATE Tanky moves and its And tanky moves and because of fly Paralaysis Rampardos Earthquake Rock slide Dig Head smash Ramparsos is good because of dig (you can get out of most places auto) its highHP and its tanky moves Hope this helped if you think any changes shiukd be done to this team email me at