There is a 'Savior Demon Dragon' in the Japanese OCG version. 'Majestic' is the English TCG term for 'Savior', when the card comes out in English it will most likely be called Majestic Red Dragon.
Majestic Dragon can be found in packs of Stardust Overdrive.
you need stardust dragon majestic dragon and any level 1 non tuner monster such as stardust xiolong
Special Summon Quickdraw Synchron by discarding Plaguespreader Zombie.Normal Summon Stardust Xiaolong.Synchro Summon Turbo Warrior.Activate the effect of Plaguespreader Zombie from the Graveyard by sending Majestic Dragon to the top of your Deck.Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon.Activate the effect of Stardust Xiaolong.Activate the face-down One for One by discarding Mad Archfiend to Special Summon Majestic Dragon from your Deck.Synchro Summon Majestic Star Dragon in ATTACK POSITION.Activate the effect of Majestic Star Dragon and choose "Negate monster" and designate Dark Armed Dragon.Activate the effect of Majestic Star Dragon and choose "Activates the effect of the negated monster" and Remove from Play Mad Archfiend as the cost. Then select Dark Armed Dragon as the target of the effect.Enter BATTLE PHASEAttack Directly with Majestic Star Dragon.
majesticc you must put back in your hand at the end phase
A little. In Dragon Age: Origins, one female demon briefly shows her breasts. There is no nudity after that, though.Source:
Majestic star dragon becuz this card can negate savior demon dragon's effect, treat is as its own then, and use it to gain Demon dragon's attack then attack and kick butt. It is true majestic star dragon can negate savior demon dragon`s effect copy his effect and then majestic star dragon`s attack will be 7800 or more. (4000+3800=7800). not so fast majestic demons dragon can also negate the effect and take all majestic star dragons attack points
Majestic red dragon because its got 3500 ATK and 2800 DEF BUT Majestic star dragon is cool to. IMPROVEMENT: if ur opponent has many face-downs, it would be smarter to use majestic star dragon. if not, use majestic red dragon's eff to get rid of their monsters
You may get a Majestic Dragon in one of the Stardust Overdrive packs, but you do not get Duelist Genesis packs, so would not be able to get a Stardust Dragon from that particular tin.
Majestic dragon is in absolute powerforce and stardust overdive
Majestic Dragon can be found in packs of Stardust Overdrive.
depends on what kinda demon..and dragon
Majestic Star Dragon can be obtained in the following booster packs:Stardust Overdrive2009 Collectors Tins
Obviously red dragon archfiend, tuners, non-tuners, and majestic dragon. Or you can wait for more majestic cards to come out and other people can give you tips
you need stardust dragon majestic dragon and any level 1 non tuner monster such as stardust xiolong
No. In order to synchro summon Majestic Red Dragon, you need Red Dragon Archfiend, Majestic Dragon, and Non-tuner monsters. Quickdraw Synchron only substitutes for tuners with "Synchron" in their name
Stardust Dragon can be obtained in "The Duelist Genesis" booster pack. Majestic Dragon can be obtained in "Stardust Overdrive" and "Duelist Pack 9: Yusei Fudo 2". Majestic Star Dragon can be obtained in "Stardust Overdrive" and "2009 Collectors Tins".
i went to target today and i saw the majestic red dragon tin at target. its out today.