Yes it won't let me paste my picture of it on here but it does exist. However I think mine is special. Under its ability damage is spelled daamge. Nobody even special collectors can put a price on it. Thy are baffled by it
It can learn Peck, lv. 1, Focus Energy, lv. 1, Poison Sting, lv. 1, Double Kick, lv. 1, Thrash, lv. 22, Megahorn, lv. 43 To teach Nidoking Horn Attack, Focus Energy, Flatter and Horn Drill, evolve Nidorino after it learns these moves. (Nidorino learns its last attack, Horn Drill, at Lv. 54. To teach Megahorn or Thrash after evolution, visit a move relearner.
In Celadon Rocket Hideout: Onix Lv 25, Rhyhorn Lv 24, Kangaskhan Lv 29. In Silph Co: Nidorino Lv 37, Kangaskhan Lv 35, Rhyhorn Lv 37, Nidoqueen Lv 41. In Viridian Gym: Rhyhorn Lv 45, Dugtrio Lv 42, Nidoqueen Lv 44, Nidoking Lv 45, Rhyhorn Lv 50.
Nidoran{male) LV.16 to Nidorino then use Moon Stone to evolve Nidorino to Nidoking
Both forms of Nidoran evolve at lv. 16, but you must have a moon stone to get it into a Nidoking or Queen. Hope this helps
Nidoran female and male, evolve at lv !*, ther to evolve it to Nidoqueen or Nidoking, respectivly, get a Moon Stone! Sory,meant Lv 18 ------------------------------------------------------------- Your right about moon stone, but its lvl 16 that nidoran female and male evolve<< Signed Megadeth987
Yes because of two reasons: 1 is that Pokemon don't go higher than lv 100. 2 is that I got the same thing.When I looked it up they said it was a misprint. It was supposed to be lv 59.
there is no such thing as lvl X in the Pokemon games
it´s an okey party buy you should have them in lv 60 instead and switch nidoking to alakazam
Nidoking cannot learn Earthquake by itself from just leveling. It can however learn the move Earthquake from the TM 26.
It can learn Peck, lv. 1, Focus Energy, lv. 1, Poison Sting, lv. 1, Double Kick, lv. 1, Thrash, lv. 22, Megahorn, lv. 43 To teach Nidoking Horn Attack, Focus Energy, Flatter and Horn Drill, evolve Nidorino after it learns these moves. (Nidorino learns its last attack, Horn Drill, at Lv. 54. To teach Megahorn or Thrash after evolution, visit a move relearner.
of course it can i t can evolve anytime
Awesome team. On a scale of 1-10, I give it 8 or 9.
In Celadon Rocket Hideout: Onix Lv 25, Rhyhorn Lv 24, Kangaskhan Lv 29. In Silph Co: Nidorino Lv 37, Kangaskhan Lv 35, Rhyhorn Lv 37, Nidoqueen Lv 41. In Viridian Gym: Rhyhorn Lv 45, Dugtrio Lv 42, Nidoqueen Lv 44, Nidoking Lv 45, Rhyhorn Lv 50.
Keep leveling them up at least at level49. Then you can stand a chance against the elite four.
It is good and you should use NidoKing or NidoQueen or Tyranitar
Giovanni has only four Pokemon and hes pretty easy to beat. Nidoking lv 42 Honchrow lv 43 Nidoqueen lv 46 Kangaskhan lv 40 Have Celebi up to lv 70 and use these moves in order (energy ball - ancient power - grass knot - energy ball)
Nidoran{male) LV.16 to Nidorino then use Moon Stone to evolve Nidorino to Nidoking