If you mean the game family ski then at elephant stage bear left until you get between ski lifts 5-6 and turn left, there will be a dead tree and then a sign nearby. Head down the passage to the left of the dead tree, and you're haeding down Bigfoot canyon. I would say it is even harder than lion peak
At the top of owl slope! but first you must complete ski school.
I have no Idea That is what I am wondering...
If you mean to get into the place in kangaroo park... you have to get all the thumbs ups to be in there but if you mean to jump off the mountain you cant do that
You press B on the remote and Z on the nunchuck, then shake you hands left to right. If you have trouble with this i suggest ski school on the main menu.
probably.. is their a secound one?? if so then yeah there wil maybe be a third wii ski....... :)
On Wii Ski you have to do challenges and get stars.
He is on the Bigfoot Trail. If you don't know how to get there type in either Is There a Yeti in Wii Ski? or Where is the Yeti on Wii Ski? Then just keep on going through the cave and into the light and there he is. Just do that again and the tenth guy will be in the cave also.
I don't no do I?
At the top of owl slope! but first you must complete ski school.
I have no Idea That is what I am wondering...
If you mean to get into the place in kangaroo park... you have to get all the thumbs ups to be in there but if you mean to jump off the mountain you cant do that
Wii sports active, Wii fit, Wii ski and surf are just a few of the games that use the Wii balance board.
140 ft.......................................................
You press B on the remote and Z on the nunchuck, then shake you hands left to right. If you have trouble with this i suggest ski school on the main menu.