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No, not for ps3.(or any system for that mater) But if you want one for P.C. email me at

and I will make a 2D one for you.

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Q: Is there hellsing video game for PS3?
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Are there video games for hellsing?

For PSP there is the full season for the tv show,but I think the video game wasnt released in America.

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It will not be a PS3 Video Game title

Is there a hellsing ps2 game?

No there are no ps2 games of hellsing. Cause the anime didn't seem that popular to the creators so it stayed as a show and mangas to. The only ps2 video game that comes close to Hellsing is Dark Watch. The main character in Dark Watch and Alucard have many simularities, both in dress and in other characteristics.

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For PSP there is the full season to watch video,but I think the game wasnt released in America.

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Yes a PS3 version on the game was released on March 25 2010

Bakugan the video game?

Yes, there is a bakugan video game for Wii,PS2,PS3,XBox, and DS.

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Can you buy a video game and receive it through download on PS3?

No you can not purchase game downloads or add ons from other than the Playstation Store for the PS3. The Playstation Store has the exclusive rights to download video games for the PS3

Will there be a dark knight rises video game for ps3?

I'm sure there will. If not, there will certainly be another batman game for PS3 in the near Future.

Is the a Shugo Chara video game?

Yes on ps3 and wii

Which is the best video game machine to have?

Ps3 or psp are the best.

Do they make the video game kameo on ps3?

Yes, my grandma has it.