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sonic adventure 3 is not for ps2 nor not out yet.

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Q: Is there going to be a Sonic Adventure 3 for the Playstation 2?
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Is sonic adventure 3 for playstation 2 and ds?

There was never a Sonic Adventure 3 sega may make a sonic adventer 3 who except sega knows

Is there going to be a Sonic Adventure 3?

There is a Sonic Adventure #1 and a Sonic Adventure #2.There is now a Sonic Adventure 3 - released in 2011 - the year of the Sonic 20th anniversary.

Will Sonic Adventure 2 Battle ever come to PlayStation 2?

I don't know but probaly not

Is sonic colors going to be for the Playstation 2?

No Sonic Colors will not be a PS2 game Version

Is sonic adventure 2 on Playstation 2?

No. It is only for the dreamcast and gamecube.

Where can one purchase Sonic Adventure Battle 2 for PS3?

There are several options in order to purchase Sonic Adventure Battle 2 for PlayStation 3. Some examples would be "Amazon", "eBay", "Rebuy", "SteamPowered" and "Yopi".

Are the dark people in sonic adventure 2 going to kill each othere when they get the seven emeraleds?

No, the dark people in Sonic Adventure 2 are not going to kill each other when they get the seven emeralds.

Is Sonic Adventure 2 on DSi?

No, Sonic Adventure 2 is only on Dreamcast and Gamecube as Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.

Is there ever going to be a Sonic Adventure 3?

No the Sonic Adventure series ended in 2002 with the release of Sonic Adventure 2: Battle for Gamecube. There have been numerous rumors of a third Sonic Adventure being released but nothing has been released by SEGA to confirm them.

Can knuckles dig holes in sonic and knuckles?

No he cant. Only on sonic adventure, sonic adventure 2, sonic DX and sonic adventure 2 battle.

Can you use Sonic Advance 2 with Sonic Adventure 2 Battle?

No as Sonic Advance 2 came out after Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was only made to be compatible with Sonic Advance.

What gaming platforms is Sonic Adventure 2 available on?

Sonic Adventure 2 is available on five platforms including Dreamcast, Gamecube, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows. The game was released in North America, Europe, and Japan.