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Yes, there are downloadable songs for Guitar Hero world tour.

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Q: Is there down-loadable content for Guitar Hero world tour?
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Free dlc Guitar Hero 3 for PS3?

There was at least 11 songs available as free downloadable content for Guitar Hero 3. However, the downloadable content has temporarily been removed from the PS3 server.

Can you put Guitar Hero world tour downloadable content on Guitar Hero Metallica?

Only the Death Magnetic Track Pack and that's all. hope i heped JA

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What website will let you dowload songs for Guitar Hero 3 for ps2?

You can NOOOOOW. Guitar Hero III for PS2 has never supported downloadable content, and never will. If you want to play downloadable content, buy yourself an Xbox 360 or a PlayStation 3.

What Guitar Hero is Lady Gaga on?

I'm not sure, but I don't think she's on anyone of them. If she is on one, it's Band Hero. \Its on Guitar Hero 3 i believe, its downloadable content.

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How do you get holiday on Guitar Hero world hero?

If by this you mean "How do you get the song Holiday on Guitar Hero World Tour", there is no song called Holiday available on this game, built-in or downloadable.

Is don't stop believin' in any guitar heros?

It is not in any Guitar Hero games but it is available as paid downloadable content for the Rock Band series.

Why dont they have any trivium on Guitar Hero?

Because Trivium is simply too hardcore for Guitar Hero. Actually, I believe I read somewhere that they had a Trivium song from their album Ascendancy, Declaration I believe it was, as downloadable content for Guitar Hero 2.

How do you get to Downloadbale content for guitar hero metallica?

You look it up in the World Tour or Legends of Rock DLC. You can only download Death Magnetic and play it on Metallica.

Is there downloadable songs for Guitar Hero on tour?


Can you put or download gh3 songs on to guitar hero for ps2?

No, it is not possible. Downloadable Content was never supported for the PlayStation 2, and never will be. If you want to play Downloadable Content for Guitar Hero III, buy an Xbox 360 or a PlayStation 3.