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· Etna (Italy)

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Q: Is there any volcanoes that start with E?
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Do any of the volcanoes in Hawaii start with the letter E?

No, none of the volcanoes located in the U.S. State of Hawaii (The Hawaiian Islands) start with the letter E.

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Does Pakistan have earthquakes or volcanoes?

Yes, Pakistan experiences earthquakes as it lies on a seismically active region known as the Indian Plate. However, it does not have any active volcanoes.

Are there any words that start with j that have to do with Volcanoes?

jumping lava and rocks oops .... i mean jumping lizards

Could volcanoes start a natural disaster?

Volcanoes are a natural disaster!

How does volcanoes start?


What is Saturn volcanoes?

Saturn does not have any volcanoes.

Are there any vegies that start with e?

Eggplant is one veggie that starts with E.

What is captial that starts with e?

No, there are not any US State capitals that start with E

Are there any volcanoes or earthquakes in Iraq?

Iraq experiences earthquakes but does not have any volcanoes.

How do underwater volcanoes start?

with a bang

Is there any volcanoes on the moon?

There are no active volcanoes on the our moon.