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a website that is like subeta is

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Q: Is there any game that is like subeta?
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Are there any fun websites like subeta?


Is there a website exactly like Neopets?

you could try subeta or marapets --- Subeta is a very good site. The art there is good, although it's not as glitch free and well funded as Neopets. I've given up Neopets for Subeta... it's a place for more older players. ^^

How do you get an angelic ontra in subeta?

Use an angelic potion on your ontra.

What is your subeta account username?

My username would be Rima! :3

How long do you have to wait to rejoin subeta after being frozen?

One year.

What is the first subeta food item to be restocked in the food shop?

Red Apple

What is the name of the lain owned by the most powerful person in Subeta politics?


Play on virtual world sites like gaia online?

I dont fully understand what the question is, but a list of virtual world sites would include Subeta, a newer one called Menewsha, Sylfe, similar sites but with pets like Neopets, Marapets, Powerpets, or even simply dating virtual sites, like IMVU, which requires downloading of the actual game.

Who is the goddess of the moon and space on Subeta?

the goddess of moon is Artemis however i do not know the other

How do you make a pirate bra on subeta?

You mix the pink bra with the Black Pirate Handkerchief.

What game is like Littlebigplanet?

It is a unique game and not really like any other

What is a good game to play at home?

any game that you like.