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Aye, use meboy

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Q: Is there any cheat for Pokemon Crystal on cellphone?
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yeah i did a cheat of garitina

Can you get a gs ball in any Pokemon game?

You cannot get the GS Ball in any Pokemon game besides the Crystal version. Even though Pokemon Crystal has coding for the GS Ball to trigger an event to catch Celebi it is not obtainable. The GS Ball was an event item distributed only in Japan meaning it's not possible to get the GS Ball. It is however possible to cheat the GS Ball into your character's bag using a cheat device.

Is there a cheat code to encounter any pokemon in pokemon yellow?

Yes there is. But, you have to type in every single pokemon cheat code.

Are there any Pokemon diamond codes that turn you into a Pokemon?

There is no cheat to turn you into a Pokemon but there is a cheat to wear Pokemon costumes but you need the national dex

What is the action replay cheat for any Pokemon?

A cheat which helps people get pokemon, money, and items for free.

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Is there any PokeGen or PokeSav equivalent for a Pokemon Crystal ROM?

no in pokemon gold

Can you get TM ancient power in Pokemon Crystal?

You cannot get the TM for Ancient Power in Pokemon Crystal. Ancient Power has yet to be a TM in any of the Pokemon games.

Pokemon Emerald masterball cheat?

if u use any masterball cheat u get bad egg in Pokemon PC

Are there any col glitches on Pokemon Crystal?


What is the Pokemon modifier for Action Replay?

It is a cheat that lets you catch any Pokemon