No, not currently, the source code is held by Ea games, and if they released it as open source it may hurt their financial gain.
the sims,the sims 2,the sims bustin out,the sims2 castaway,the sims2 pets,the sims 2 nightlife,the sims 2 open for business[there may be more]
You have to have open for bisness
open the cheat box (ctrl + shift + c) and type inmove_objects onand click on the sim you want to clone and press shift click where you want to place it.What?That doesn't work for me. Is there any other way?Response:Not sure. Sorry you'll have to look it up.Response:Type it in like so: moveObjects on
sims is just one package but sim double deluxe comes with night life and open for business and sims 2 =)
you need a mechanical no.2
Of course sims can get married in the sims 2 open for buisness Yes, sims can get married in the sims 2 open for buisness
you can not open a daycare. even if you had freetime, or a PC, you still could not have a daycare.
open for business
You have to have 'The Sims 2 Open for Business' Expansion Pack
I have Sims 1 and 3 and they both use Ctrl + Shift + C to open the cheat menu. i have sims 2 3 1 and they all open with the Ctrl +shift + C to open but my one doesn't open for sims 2 collage
Of course you can! The Sims 2 Open for Buisness is more of an add-on than an actual disc game you use; basiclly, you use the Sims 2 disc, or the Sims 2 Seasons disc, & the Open for Buisness stuff will be on there.
the sims,the sims 2,the sims bustin out,the sims2 castaway,the sims2 pets,the sims 2 nightlife,the sims 2 open for business[there may be more]
You can have a baby in all the sims 2 games ;)
If u have Best of Business for the Sims 2, you can only open a restaraunt on a community lot.
If All you have is Double Deluxe then you can not open your own restaurant. To do that you need Sims 2 Open For Business.
you need sims 2 open for business to get an elevator.
sorry, you can't.