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Yes you can you just have to do what you normally do until it asks you what difficulty then click on her and say yes you are a great dancer.

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Q: Is there an expert level in the dance game on club penguin?
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How do you play a level harder than expert in the dance club in club penguin?

When you reach the part where the DJ penguin is saying choose a level, click on her instead. Then, you are playing a level harder than expert.

What do you do in the dance club on Club Penguin?

Make your penguin dance and see what you do.

How do you be in the same room with candace in club penguin?

you have to go on the dance contest and when Candace asks what level you want then click on her this will get you on the expert level and if you get perfect scores you will get the stamp to get on the dance show click on the desk next to the speaker with the green puffle on it and it will ask you if you want to dance click YES NOT NO YES

How do you get passed level 4 on expert levels on Astro Barrier on Club Penguin?

I'm not sure, use cheats

Where is the club penguin dance party 2009?

In the dance club at 3:30

Where can i find Club Penguin music?

in the dance club

Where is the probot in the dance club Club Penguin?

DJ set you can just go to club penguin cp

How can you dance in Club Penguin?

On the chat bar, click the picture of a penguin dancing (Not moving), and you'll dance. Or, not typing this into the chat bar if you have one, press D on your keyboard and you'll dance in Club Penguin.

How do you get the black key on Club Penguin?

you find it at the dance club

Where do you get the paper in club penguin mission 9?

From the penguin waiting in line and the dance club roof.

What can a purple puffle do with a penguin on Club Penguin?

They dance to the music when your penguin dances. Also they dance with you when you play the dance contest game just take them for a walk then go to the dance contest in the night club, they will earn you extra points this way.

How do you roar on club penguin?

you have to make it dance