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Use ultraballs and carry strong Pokemon (ghosts) who know hipnosis and have at least 50 to 60 ultraballs-_-bla bla bla yeah so that is one of the best ways to catch the regis i thought the regis would be easy to catch and transfer to my platinum to get regigigas lv1 but there super hard so if you used your masterball on rayquaza yes it will be hard anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!

even if you get one of the regis on red health and put them tosleep or parylize etc they still pop out of the ultra balls so easy so this might take a while but you could catch the regirock with a ultra ball and don't use your master ball on rayquaza and use it on regice and then migrate regice and regirock to diamond/pearl or platinum and then start your game again and don't use you masterball!!!!!!!!! and when you complete the league open the tombs and catch registeel with the masterball and then if you want you can get another regirock with ulteraballs and then transfer registeel to diamond/pearl or platinum congrats you have the three regis now you shouls get the got of the regis make sure u have the three regis and fly or walk to snowpoint city and if u have completed the Pokemon league you can go into snowpoint temple and keep going through the stairs until u get to regigigas and u go up to it oh by the way it is a bit hard on the ice to get to regigigas and when u do congrats u found regigigas it will be on level 1

I would recommend NOT using your masterball because if your using emerald, Sapphire,or ruby Your gonna need it for latios or latias.

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Is it possible to catch Regigigas without the Regis if Regis are too tough for you to catch?

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Is regirock easy to catch?

No he's not. Neither are the other Regis. When i was trying to capture him, it took me awhile and i kept on dying.

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You are not able to catch the regis in Diamond. You can catch them in the Game Boy Advance version of Pokemon Emerald.

What happens after catching the 3 regis?

nothing. you catch them. what more can you ask then the regis'? don't be selfish! and you cant catch regigigas.

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For Pokemon ruby you can catch the three regis, rayquaza, groudon, and latios/latias. In sapphire you can catch the three regis, rayquaza, kyogre, and latios/latias. However, in emerald you can catch kyogre, groudon, rayquaza, the three regis, and latios/latias.

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You need relicanth and wailord to catch the regis in sapphire/ruby/emerald. You cannot catch the three regis in platinum unless you have the event Regigigas (this event has now ended). If you have the special regigigas in your party, three new caves will open up in Sinnoh and you will be able to catch the three regis.

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Where can you catch the regis?

Be more specific. What game?

What are the best pokeballs to catch the regis?

A Masterball.

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