

Best Answer

No, you can only get Platinum code that can do that. But here is a code for an awesome team.

Diamond:94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E0000304 000000EC 03FFFC06 03120000 802CF2D9 017CD4B4 3E316011 9C113A7D 2BB8F60A 88101876 35D8FDF2 DF5F100D 02111030 300DD007 46BA2607 5E737F70 8F1F5DCB C0A39A81 FFB672EF 7F5BB1D0 AF764571 A312110E FFE76572 36771D0E 164EACE4 98A885F6 E634D6F0 0C79D97F 8D8AC6ED 13504010 326868CD 8A33E4DC 85016E65 202C6D09 AE125881 07C713C0 92E4256C EC3C3214 4F71810E 5075925E 3C3EA434 73381175 3A3A2E4E 3A590B8E A504222E DB3DD0F3 9D4788F2 1E6D34AC 0A6974F1 2675B42E CE0F17D2 ABECD0EF C9BE8841 F5B16F3D 9AC42EDF 11764E4B 30580E7A 1082ED8C A0005B7D 4CB17344 DC3216AA 00000000 E00003F0 000000EC 608D9F71 F88B0000 1C71D391 45AFE4C7 60A9BCCF 357B9E26 3F29E78E 15408E08 477EE184 7E18188A 2E2727D2 83D01E25 319A78CE EF57B467 0FDE7E1C 9E267C46 0C21A823 5CF4C052 5063AEF1 38CCED1B 435F670B F2DF99CE 82511C7A A1DF8600 02889B40 85C6851D EF8A92CB E0A6FB84 75DFB395 9A985F66 62A7497B CD73EF8C 96956D51 32765598 3D004547 A430F1B2 163F660D 386AE947 893980F1 DF49317D 8DCD5E79 68C8671E 3551B046 DEDC221D 3722AD12 93A70187 EF5505FE AE05639A 88EEC71B D649C4CF 1BB9B809 FA2C0B19 D35922E1 5C02416F 73A02554 612E8788 CE21F013 D3D839E5 FD049871 00000000 E00004DC 000000EC FCE4031D 06560000 1BACBEE3 4ED990E5 387AE85D 6D9F0A5E 1314C971 C0E66F1B 6BE55311 9827DB3A 9965383C 06EACBDA 2B9B5979 7D2F9CEF 72DCCCD1 2E908B8E 13F3E66E F31F1DFB E6133EEA 428F5EDE 8551F3D9 6EBC8513 5F9A01E9 9CBABE3D F51A5630 FD0EA44D CD925BE8 ED185840 14A143D0 3AA8B7C0 F2D0EBA6 56E00339 EE11694E 611E7178 BF3DEB76 20E9977D EE698653 C118C2DA 6B64EEAF 39C6FE85 0308E9F0 F7446598 738DEB29 FBDBCCA2 2AD565D2 7D64D99C C40D680F E765D2D0 6220876F AA83F39B 8E498D51 8F354975 6BE98582 7FBA5D2E 5599132B FD4C2C7A 37832FE9 B49537AE 3AEDB93D 00000000 E00005C8 000000EC 8C0E73F3 F33F0000 29596D7E EEB74AD2 2D875D7A 2A417FB2 B4E44706 A61D51FA B4C1439B E0F6A3A5 A9B4C05A F49178B8 AD9D9845 3409DCB6 D9949422 4DD8DCCA 680C63F1 1508ACEE 0DC41F57 FBB8503A 7B236C39 3E6BA87B C6AEB808 74EC443E 158F142C 3F3E9EBE 9843EE26 EA9524EF F77EE113 22F491FB 32C3DE03 D4E87FB0 125DBE94 284A78FC 92F26A6D 48391312 F7F0F8C4 A1673E13 BEF769EF 40B0A34B E9D59613 694F3CCA 50267195 0E78F318 94BB7BC3 ABD1DD54 3FC04E71 72224E7D A4804420 982B5514 905F7A3A E4B190FF F50DB39B C5D983B0 01F8DF53 89B9BE86 610247A9 8C2C9372 8A73AD63 00000000 E00006B4 000000EC 5605A9FD E61A0000 C58BD9B5 35BA57FB 5F1862BC DBE45AFF B4FDBAE1 1D4444CE EED5112A 2A82BF1A ED8DFCEF 926B11EE A9DB4292 E4A8CE64 F7AA338F 5C446050 2572637E A9BC09D6 D8F2047A B12E30B0 D4F6208C C41005F7 69D20C31 5402D673 E061FD5A 930C050C 7C03B686 632B36E5 79B1FD60 A1FFEAC4 95D79469 0C6E1B26 F8F403E8 14E66655 E62D10E2 EAB4CDB5 1498CF60 C3F497B8 D4AC8063 D721E064 6FFCCC4D 6D0D0D29 095D1A74 8DC7D9E1 3D72124D A5965FEC 268572D5 4F4E2959 3A7EB9CF D1C22BAD 8777E62F 0076AAE2 258FFCBB 739848B1 F1FE32EF 4B31C414 E76AE421 F1972D06 A778B4E6 00000000 E00007A0 000000EC 6F0F90F1 2EFD0000 7BFFA296 98F11962 DBC6F1DE B639FD9C A8CC4AF7 27FA6C77 54560733 1ECC2719 BE10DFCE CE54D711 08224C4A C60F9C88 6911614B 0E79965A CDE52025 F16312CB 87804A70 1932B8AC 8E8397E1 18B62775 B4FFE097 770CC57E F359C65C 0203E814 2E5B0F3B FDAF61F9 1B5A4BC8 31151749 DA9C42AF DED8F1D6 C67BD888 6BCA8F2C 2E935330 BDA08CF4 66A9CBAB 44CBD011 ECF13032 1FF0C2C0 0DFAD232 0269FF14 D683C9CB 03010486 01BD68EE C2F1AE9A CC965DF6 91AEE787 786C4DA9 31A27F3D 40E06BE1 341F6EA9 DAF0FA6F 20900B37 D144D23B DAF0EE98 51C85AB0 FD8096C4 407A9356 00000000 20000300 00000006 D2000000 00000000

Pearl:94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E0000304 000000EC 03FFFC06 03120000 802CF2D9 017CD4B4 3E316011 9C113A7D 2BB8F60A 88101876 35D8FDF2 DF5F100D 02111030 300DD007 46BA2607 5E737F70 8F1F5DCB C0A39A81 FFB672EF 7F5BB1D0 AF764571 A312110E FFE76572 36771D0E 164EACE4 98A885F6 E634D6F0 0C79D97F 8D8AC6ED 13504010 326868CD 8A33E4DC 85016E65 202C6D09 AE125881 07C713C0 92E4256C EC3C3214 4F71810E 5075925E 3C3EA434 73381175 3A3A2E4E 3A590B8E A504222E DB3DD0F3 9D4788F2 1E6D34AC 0A6974F1 2675B42E CE0F17D2 ABECD0EF C9BE8841 F5B16F3D 9AC42EDF 11764E4B 30580E7A 1082ED8C A0005B7D 4CB17344 DC3216AA 00000000 E00003F0 000000EC 608D9F71 F88B0000 1C71D391 45AFE4C7 60A9BCCF 357B9E26 3F29E78E 15408E08 477EE184 7E18188A 2E2727D2 83D01E25 319A78CE EF57B467 0FDE7E1C 9E267C46 0C21A823 5CF4C052 5063AEF1 38CCED1B 435F670B F2DF99CE 82511C7A A1DF8600 02889B40 85C6851D EF8A92CB E0A6FB84 75DFB395 9A985F66 62A7497B CD73EF8C 96956D51 32765598 3D004547 A430F1B2 163F660D 386AE947 893980F1 DF49317D 8DCD5E79 68C8671E 3551B046 DEDC221D 3722AD12 93A70187 EF5505FE AE05639A 88EEC71B D649C4CF 1BB9B809 FA2C0B19 D35922E1 5C02416F 73A02554 612E8788 CE21F013 D3D839E5 FD049871 00000000 E00004DC 000000EC FCE4031D 06560000 1BACBEE3 4ED990E5 387AE85D 6D9F0A5E 1314C971 C0E66F1B 6BE55311 9827DB3A 9965383C 06EACBDA 2B9B5979 7D2F9CEF 72DCCCD1 2E908B8E 13F3E66E F31F1DFB E6133EEA 428F5EDE 8551F3D9 6EBC8513 5F9A01E9 9CBABE3D F51A5630 FD0EA44D CD925BE8 ED185840 14A143D0 3AA8B7C0 F2D0EBA6 56E00339 EE11694E 611E7178 BF3DEB76 20E9977D EE698653 C118C2DA 6B64EEAF 39C6FE85 0308E9F0 F7446598 738DEB29 FBDBCCA2 2AD565D2 7D64D99C C40D680F E765D2D0 6220876F AA83F39B 8E498D51 8F354975 6BE98582 7FBA5D2E 5599132B FD4C2C7A 37832FE9 B49537AE 3AEDB93D 00000000 E00005C8 000000EC 8C0E73F3 F33F0000 29596D7E EEB74AD2 2D875D7A 2A417FB2 B4E44706 A61D51FA B4C1439B E0F6A3A5 A9B4C05A F49178B8 AD9D9845 3409DCB6 D9949422 4DD8DCCA 680C63F1 1508ACEE 0DC41F57 FBB8503A 7B236C39 3E6BA87B C6AEB808 74EC443E 158F142C 3F3E9EBE 9843EE26 EA9524EF F77EE113 22F491FB 32C3DE03 D4E87FB0 125DBE94 284A78FC 92F26A6D 48391312 F7F0F8C4 A1673E13 BEF769EF 40B0A34B E9D59613 694F3CCA 50267195 0E78F318 94BB7BC3 ABD1DD54 3FC04E71 72224E7D A4804420 982B5514 905F7A3A E4B190FF F50DB39B C5D983B0 01F8DF53 89B9BE86 610247A9 8C2C9372 8A73AD63 00000000 E00006B4 000000EC 5605A9FD E61A0000 C58BD9B5 35BA57FB 5F1862BC DBE45AFF B4FDBAE1 1D4444CE EED5112A 2A82BF1A ED8DFCEF 926B11EE A9DB4292 E4A8CE64 F7AA338F 5C446050 2572637E A9BC09D6 D8F2047A B12E30B0 D4F6208C C41005F7 69D20C31 5402D673 E061FD5A 930C050C 7C03B686 632B36E5 79B1FD60 A1FFEAC4 95D79469 0C6E1B26 F8F403E8 14E66655 E62D10E2 EAB4CDB5 1498CF60 C3F497B8 D4AC8063 D721E064 6FFCCC4D 6D0D0D29 095D1A74 8DC7D9E1 3D72124D A5965FEC 268572D5 4F4E2959 3A7EB9CF D1C22BAD 8777E62F 0076AAE2 258FFCBB 739848B1 F1FE32EF 4B31C414 E76AE421 F1972D06 A778B4E6 00000000 E00007A0 000000EC 6F0F90F1 2EFD0000 7BFFA296 98F11962 DBC6F1DE B639FD9C A8CC4AF7 27FA6C77 54560733 1ECC2719 BE10DFCE CE54D711 08224C4A C60F9C88 6911614B 0E79965A CDE52025 F16312CB 87804A70 1932B8AC 8E8397E1 18B62775 B4FFE097 770CC57E F359C65C 0203E814 2E5B0F3B FDAF61F9 1B5A4BC8 31151749 DA9C42AF DED8F1D6 C67BD888 6BCA8F2C 2E935330 BDA08CF4 66A9CBAB 44CBD011 ECF13032 1FF0C2C0 0DFAD232 0269FF14 D683C9CB 03010486 01BD68EE C2F1AE9A CC965DF6 91AEE787 786C4DA9 31A27F3D 40E06BE1 341F6EA9 DAF0FA6F 20900B37 D144D23B DAF0EE98 51C85AB0 FD8096C4 407A9356 00000000 20000300 00000006 D2000000 00000000

Hope this helps!!!

I made this code myself.

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Q: Is there an action replay code to get origin gritina in Pokemon diamond or pearl?
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How do you get Giratinas new form in Pokemon Diamond with Action Replay?

You can't. you can only get Ghiritina's origin form in Pokemon Platinum, which is coming soon.

How do you catch arces on Pokemon diamond?

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Can you get origin Giratina in Pokemon diamond?

No. It's only for Platinum

Were can you get a garintina in Pokemon Diamond?

To get a Giratina in Pokemon Diamond, you'll have to catch it in Pokemon Platinum, then trade it to Diamond. However, when you catch it in its Origin Forme and trade it to D/P, it'll revert back to its original form, due to Pokemon DP not having the Giratina Origin Forme sprite programmed into the game.

If you trade Giratina origin forme to Pokemon Diamond will it stay origin forme?

No, it won't because Giratina's Origin Forme doesn't exist in Pokemon Diamond (or Pokemon Pearl), and neither does the Griseous Orb, which Giratina needs to hold in order to stay in Origin Forme outside of the Distortion World. No, it won't because Giratina's Origin Forme doesn't exist in Pokemon Diamond (or Pokemon Pearl), and neither does the Griseous Orb, which Giratina needs to hold in order to stay in Origin Forme outside of the Distortion World. Actually it will because it will still hold the Griseous Orb so it will still be in origin forme hope this helped :)

Where is the hall of origin in Pokemon SoulSilver?

sadly, there isn't one. Only in diamond and pearl.

I have an origin Giratina on Pokemon diamond what happened?

Glitch mabye or did u use an AR code

How do you get rare Pokemon on Pokemon sapphire?

A lot of Pokemon I have I got from Action Replay. But I found Kyogre myself.Kyogre can be found in the cave of origin.

What is the action replay code to get origin form giritina in diamond?

theres no code, you cant have giratine in its original form in Pokemon D/P because if you trade it it will lose the orb (the same thing happens with shaymin)

If you trade Giratina Origin forme to Pokemon Dimond will it stay origin forme?

In diamond and pearl giratina turn in the altered form, only in platinum it show its origin form

How do you get the orb for girantina origin form in diamond using action replay?

You get it in regular gameplay by revisiting the distortion world after you defeat the Pokemon league.(the path will be straight forward in the distortion world when you return)I'm not sure how to get it with cheats

What is the next Pokemon version called?

The next version of Pokemon will be called Platinum. It'll feature Giratina's origin form and will be like Diamond and Pearl.