94000130 fffb0000
d5000000 00000098
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
c0000000 0000000b
d7000000 00024620
dc000000 00000006
d2000000 00000000
HOLD SELECT to encounter the following Pokemon:
(this makes you able to capture them in the wild.)
action replay
If you have action replay and Pokemon modifier, yes.
Hi! You can get them on or go on and type in What are some action replay codes for Pokemon diamond? Or type in action replay codes for Pokemon diamond and one more Pokemon diamond action replay codes. And there are some websites like will probley pop up and they will have ALOT of codes! Hope this helped ;-)
You Can ONLY Get Celebi In Pokemon Diamond By Using Action Replay.
if its action replay than look up action replay codes on google
Migrate it from a GBA game, get it from someone in a trade, or use an Action Replay.
You need an action replay. Or you beat emerald and migrate the chickorita
You won't need to use an Action Replay to get a Chikorita in SoulSilver. Chikorita is one of the starter Pokemon in the game. Though, if you started out with another starter Pokemon, then yes, you will need to use an Action Replay to get a Chikorita.
You cannot catch totodile, chikorita, or cyndiquil without migrating.
Action replay
Action replay is not an Pokémon item that can be obtained in Diamond.
Go to
no you have to get is from an action replay or go to a Pokemon event
action replay
its a cheat
action replay