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No there are not Zombies of any kind in any of the modern warfare series of games. There will not be zombies but there will be alien terrorists.

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Q: Is there a zombies in call of duty modern warfare 2?
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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 does not have zombies.

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No Zombies are a development of Treyarch for Call of Duty World at War and Call of Duty Black Ops and is not part of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 designed by Infinity Ward

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No zombies in any Call of Duty Modern Warfare game

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zombies mode is not in modern warfare it is in WAW and Black Ops

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The games are made by different game developers

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There are no zombies on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. To get the Zombies you need to play the Treyarch developed Call of Duty Game Black Ops and not the Infinity Ward developed MW3

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It's "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" and no, there will not be Nazi zombies in it. That is in "Call of Duty: World at War".

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I am not sure if it has got zombies on it then yes it will mainly because with the modern weapons and the frill of blowing zombies in to pieces the will join like pizza and chips! Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 does not have Zombies which are in Call of Duty Black Ops and the Call of Duty World at War Map Packs