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Q: Is there a xploder sp code for shiny Pokemon in sapphire?
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Shiny code for Pokemon FireRed on xploder?

one of them is abbbayxxyba

Xploder code for shiny pokemon in emerald?

There is one, after me crawling all over the net, that works.83007CE4002183007CE6030053000020000F0448006845898089000428431860C04601480047905D0003177C06080000

What is the action replay code to get all shiny Pokemon 1-386 in the PC in Pokemon ruby or sapphire?

Master code: DE00AAFD 2EBD05D0 530823D9 16558191 Code for shiny pokemon: 8636B1D6 CA4AB2A9 18452A7D DDE55BCC

What is the 6-digits game shark code to always catch shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sapphire?

Here it is : 123456

What is the Pokemon emerald xploder master code?

the master code is 00006fa7000a 1006af880007 happy to help

What are the codes for xploder gba cartridge for the Pokemon?

these are the only codes I know of though to be honest xploder isn't really as good as action replay or gameshark so you'd be better off getting those cheat devices but here are the codes for deoxys, it should work for ruby, sapphire, emerald and it will defintly work for sapphire: the master code is: 0000B138000A 1003A82A0007 and the actual code for deoxys: 83007D220XXX XXX hope this helps.

What is the edit wild Pokemon Xploder code for Pokemon Ruby?

For Ruby and Sapphire Edit Wild Pokémon Codes head to: These codes work for Ruby and Spahhire, I don't know about Emerald.

What is the Action Replay code for shiny Pokemon and M code on Pokemon LeafGreen?

the shiny Pokemon code for AR 1b3jt59xr438

What is the action replay code for getting shiny Pokemon on Pokemon sapphire?

you can use an action replay on gameboy games allthough game shark is better. im sorry i dont know the code

In pokemon diamond does the ar code for shiny egg allow the pokemon to always stay shiny after it hatches?

Use the shiny Pokemon cheat code. That keeps the Pokemon that hatches shiny.

Is there a Pokemon platinum short shiny code that makes every Pokemon shiny forever?

...shiny Pokemon are always shiny... ._.

What are the Pokemon pearl codes for all Pokemon shiny?

The code for shiny Pokemon is: 12068AC6 00004600 But Pokemon don't stay shiny when the code is off. Hoped this helps. =)