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There are no words with consecutive double Q's (qq). But there are some words with two q's in it.

  • Equivoque
  • Quaquaversal
  • Querquedule
  • Quinquagesima
  • Quinquangular
  • Quinquarticular
  • Quinqueangled
  • Quinquedentate
  • Quinquedentated
  • Quinquefarious
  • Quinquefid
  • Quinquefoliate
  • Quinquefoliated
  • Quinqueliteral
  • Quinquelobate
  • Quinquelobared
  • Quinquelobed
  • Quinquelocular
  • Quinquenerved
  • Quinquennial
  • Quinquennium
  • Quinquepartite
  • Quinquereme
  • Quinquesyllable
  • Quinquevalve
  • quinquevalvular
  • Quinquivalent
  • Subquinquefid
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Q: Is there a word with double q in it?
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Words with double q in?


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Qua is a word. It begins with the letter Q.

Filipino word starting with letter Q?

There are no Tagalog word that starts with letter Q. In Filipino alphabet there is no letter Q.

What afrikaans word starts with a q?

In Afrikaans, the word "quiver" starts with a Q. "Quiver" in Afrikaans translates to "koker" and refers to a container used for holding arrows. The Q is not a commonly used letter in Afrikaans, and words starting with Q are relatively rare in the language.

What is the longest word that starts with q?

The longest word that starts with q is quintoplets!!!What about Quartermasterships?

Word ending in q?

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Are they any words using double q?


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It is: q+p because a double minus becomes a plus

What word beginning with q describes a journey?

"Quest" is a word that starts with Q and describes a journey