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Q: Is there a way to get munchlax in fire red and LeafGreen?
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On Pokemon LeafGreen how do you get to the seven islands?

The same way as fire red!

Where do you find Munch lax in LeafGreen?

No possible way. You can only obtain Munchlax in Diamond or Pearl

Where can you find electabuzz in leafgreen?

You find electabuzz only in fire red in the abandoned power plant.Trading is the only way to get it.

How do you get a golduck in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you cannot, you can get it from fire red and then trade it to leaf green. that's the only way i think.

Where is Zapdos in pokemon leafgreen?

Like with fire red and older versions at the power station , you have to go all the way through it though

How do you get a growlith on LeafGreen?

You can't get a growlithe in Pokemon leaf green. You can get it in Pokemon fire red and trade that is the only way =) hope i help.

Why can't sandshrew be caught in Pokemon FireRed?

Sandshrew is one of exclusive pokemon to Leafgreen version. Therefore you must trade one from Leafgreen to Firered to have one.The reason Sandshrew cannot be caught in Fire Red is because it is not available in Fire Red. The only way to get it is to trade it with Leaf Green.

How do you get latias on pokemon leafgreen?

The only possible way to obtain Latias in Fire Red/Leaf Green, is to trade from Ruby/Saphire/Emerald

Magmar on Pokemon LeafGreen?

yes you get magmar on leaf green you get slugma on fire red instead magmar is way better than slugma

Is there a third game that goes with the pokemon LeafGreen and fire red versions in the way that there was crystal for the gold and silver games and emerald for the ruby and sapphire games?

No there is not.

Were to find no003 in Pokemon LeafGreen?

the only way's are that you start with bulbasaur,start with squirtle and see it with your rival or get it from a friend or get fire red and trade it to leaf green

How do you get a Munchlax out of your way in Pokemon LeafGreen?

First let me point out that it is not a munchlax. It's a Snorlax. After you get through the silph co. and beat the boss and have the scope, beat the marowak at the tower in lavender town, and rescued mr fugi, he rewards you a pokeflute. then you will be able to get through to Cycling road.