

Best Answer

yes...look in free models or if you dont feel like feeling noobish go to my

models my name is lildevil124491

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Q: Is there a way to do sticky brick on roblox?
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How do you make a house on Roblox?

The easiest way to build a house is in the Roblox Studio. Start with a brick and work your way from the ground up. You may want to use slopes for the roof as it is easier to shape and looks cleaner.

How do you edit a text on roblox?

In a script, text brick, or what you mean by this?

How do you make a humanoid roblox?

Copy it from your character, then paste it into workspace. OR Take the brick you want then, in Roblox Studio go to "Enter", "Object", "Humanoid". And, the humanoid should automatically go into the brick you have highlighted.

How do you make a humanoid on roblox?

Copy it from your character, then paste it into workspace. OR Take the brick you want then, in Roblox Studio go to "Enter", "Object", "Humanoid". And, the humanoid should automatically go into the brick you have highlighted.

What is a baseplate on Roblox?

A baseplate is usually the biggest brick, it is where you spawn at. Just look at "Empty Baseplate" by ROBLOX himself for an example!

How do you make a VIP door in Roblox?

You make a brick the size of the door. Put the script that ROBLOX teaches you in the wiki into the brick.. Make a t-shirt then put that link into the "" of the script. It should be at the top of the script...

How do you rotate a brick in Roblox with out a rotate tool?

You could use your character to push the brick until it is at the angle you want, or you can use the LUA command line to execute a script that will modify the brick's CFrame. (The second option would require a knowledge of LUA scripting on Roblox.)

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How do you put a brick into another brick on Roblox?

you can't @ guy who answered above Actually you can by using a tool called C-frame

How do you put in a script on Roblox?

all you do is drag it or paste it into the brick you want :P