No US state begins with the letter Z.
ANSWER:Their is NO city in the state of Virginia that starts with The letter 'z'
That is an easy one. The only state with a z in it is Arizona. There are no others. However, elsewhere in the world you have Azerbaijan.
States that start with the letter Z:Zacatecas is a state in MexicoZamfara is a state in NigeriaZulia is a state in Venezuela
Zachery Taylor is the only U.S. president with a name that begins with Z.
No US state begins with the letter Z.
Out of all fifty states, only Arizona contains a Z. And the only letter not present in any State name is Q.
No states in the US start with the letter z
The US spelling has a Z, as fertilized. The spelling "fertilised" is the UK variant.
The correct spelling is "apologizing." It is spelled with one "p" and one "s."
In the British spelling of harmonize, the letter "z" is replaced with an "s" to be spelt "harmonise."
Zucca is an Italian food whose spelling begins with the letter "z".Specifically, the word is a feminine noun in its singular form. It means "pumpkin". The pronunciation will be "TSOOK-ka" in Italian.
The US spelling is correct, "accessorize" (add elements or fashion). The UK spelling is "accessorise" (many US verbs have this S to Z change).
That is the correct UK spelling, apologise with an S.But in the US, the correct spelling is apologize, with a Z.(There are a number of similar words spelled differently in UK and US usage.)