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If you're trying to fill your Sinnoh Pokedex there are no trainers that use Riolu, you'll have to go to Iron Island and make it to the end with Riley. Make sure you have a space in your party because he'll give you a Riolu egg.

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Q: Is there a trainer with riolu?
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How riolu evolve?

Riolu won't evolve unless it has max frienship with its trainer.

Can an riolu evolve on HeartGold?

Riolu doesn't evolve until it has max frienship with its trainer.

When does riolu evolve in platinum?

Riolu evolves if it has shared high friendship with its Trainer during the day.

What trainer has riolu in their team in Pokemon soul silver?

No one

Where to find a trainer with a riolu?

You can find one in Iron island,fans.

What trainer has Riolu in Pokemon platinum?

There is no trainer with riolu as far as I know. But if you go to Iron Island and team up with Riley, he will give you an egg that will hatch into a riolu. You must finish the journey with him before though. he will give it to you when you defeat team galactic. Remember - you can't get it if you have six Pokemon in your team

If a trainer has a riolu where can you find that trainer in pearl?

There's a guy on Iron Island named Riley. That's not a riolu that's a lucario. Either hatch the egg from riley or go to Snowpoint city South until you almost get to the blizzard on route 217 where a black belt guy who is spinning around if you battle him he will a riolu.

What level does riolu evole?

There is no level, if his affection for the trainer is maxed out, when he levels once, he will evolve.

How do you spot a riolu Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Is there a trainer with one Not asking were to find th egg or guy on iron island.?

if you surf in oreghburgh (sp?) there will be a vetrian he will have a riolu

Where is there a trainer with a riolu in Pokemon diamond?

YOu find Reilley at Iron Island. You go really deep.

What trainer has a riolu on Pokemon platinum?

The Third Gym leader has a Lucario, and a trainer named Riley on Iron Island has Lucario, but i beileve there is no trainers that have the baby form of Lucario. Riolu. Although you can receive an egg from Riley on Iron Island after going through to the end of the cave with him and beating the Galactic Grunts in a double battle. The egg contains a Riolu.

Trainers have a riolu on Pokemon diamond?

it is in orebrg gate use rock smash and surf he is a veteran trainer